NGSL(New General Service List)は、Browne, C., Culligan, B., and Phillips, J.による、CC-BY-SAライセンスで公開されている英語の単語リスト。
TSL(TOEIC Service List)は明治学院大学のCharles Browne教授と青山学院女子短期大学のBrent Culligan教授が選定した、TOEICに頻出する英単語のリスト。
NGSL/NAWL Definitions — New General Service Listより引用。
この記事にはNGSL/NAWL Definitions — New General Service List (Browne, C., Culligan, B., and Phillips, J.)を転載した内容が含まれているため、この記事の内容はCC BY-SA 4.0 Internationalの下で再許諾いたします。
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
a | One (of something) | article | 一つの |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
abandon | to leave someone you should stay to take care of | verb | (人を)見捨てる; あきらめる |
ability | The power, money, or skill to do something | n | 能力 |
able | Having the ability to do something | adj | 〜することができる |
abortion | A medical operation to end a pregnancy | n | 流産;中絶 |
about | of (a subject); concerning | prep | ~について |
above | In a higher place than something else | adv | 〜の上に |
abroad | In or to a foreign country | adv | 海外に |
absence | fact of not being present, or not existing | n | 不在;欠席;不足 |
absolute | Complete and total | adj | 絶対的な;完全な |
absolutely | completely; totally; very | adv | 完全に |
abstract | Concerning something that doesn't exist physically | adj | 抽象的な; 理論的な |
abuse | To use in an inappropriate or excessive way | verb | 乱用する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
academic | educator who works at a college or university | n | 学者; 大学教授 |
accept | to agree to receive or take something offered | verb | 受け入れる;受け取る |
acceptable | Satisfactory; good enough | adj | 許容できる |
access | way to enter a place, e.g. a station or stadium | n | アクセス;接近 |
accident | sudden unplanned event causing damage, injury etc | n | 事故;偶然 |
accommodation | place to stay, often a hotel | n | 宿泊施設 |
accompany | To do (e.g. travel, play music) with someone | verb | 同行する;付随して起こる |
accomplish | to succeed in doing; complete successfully | verb | 達成する |
accord | agreement or harmony | n | 一致する |
account | arrangement with a bank to keep your money for you | n | (預金)口座 |
accurate | With no mistake or error; Correct | adj | 正確な |
accuse | To claim that someone has done something wrong | verb | 訴える;非難する |
achieve | To succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard | verb | 達成する |
achievement | Something good that you have successfully done | n | 達成;成果 |
acknowledge | To say you accept the truth or value of something | verb | 認める |
acquire | to get or earn something by thinking or working | verb | 獲得する;習得する |
acquisition | Process of acquiring; thing that is acquired | n | 獲得;買収 |
across | From one side to the other of something | adv | 横切って;交差して |
act | To behave in a certain way | verb | 行動する |
action | Something that a person or thing does | n | 行動 |
active | Moving around a lot or doing many things | adj | 活動的な;能動的な |
activity | An action or task, e.g. sports, washing your clothes | n | 活動 |
actor | Person who acts in the theater, movies, or TV | n | 俳優 |
actual | Real or existing in fact, not imagined; real | adj | 実際の |
actually | used to add new (often different) information | adv | 実際は |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ad | public notice or advertisement | n | 広告 |
adapt | To change something to fit or suit a new purpose | verb | 適応する |
add | To put two things or numbers together, e.g. 2+2 | verb | 加える |
addition | Fact of adding something; thing that is added | n | 追加 |
additional | Further or added | adj | 追加の |
address | exact street location of a place | n | 住所; アドレス |
adequate | enough; good enough for what is needed | adj | 適正な;十分な |
adjust | To change so as to fit in with new conditions | verb | 順応する |
adjustment | A small change to make something function better | n | 適応 |
administration | The work of running something, e.g. a business | n | 管理 |
admire | To feel respect or wonder toward someone | verb | 賞賛する;感心する |
admit | To agree that you did something bad, or that something bad is true | verb | 認める |
adopt | to take on responsibility for something | verb | 採用する;取り入れる |
adult | person or animal that is fully grown | n | 大人,成人 |
advance | To move forward in a certain direction | verb | 前進する,進む |
advantage | thing making the chance of success higher | n | 利点 |
adventure | An exciting and often dangerous experience | n | 冒険 |
advertise | to show how good a product is, to make people buy | verb | 宣伝する |
advertisement | poster, TV, film showing advantages of new product | n | 広告 |
advice | suggestion about what someone should do | n | 助言 |
advise | To suggest what should be done | verb | 忠告する; 勧める |
adviser | Someone giving advice in business, law etc | n | 助言者;顧問 |
advocate | To publicly support a belief, or to request change | verb | 提唱する;主張する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
affair | event or a set of events, often unpleasant ones | n | 事件; 事柄; 問題 |
affect | To do something that changes something else | verb | 影響する |
afford | to have enough money to pay for something | verb | ~する余裕がある |
afraid | Worried that something bad will happen; scared | adj | 怖がって |
after | Later than another time, or behind something | adv | ~後で;~を追って |
afternoon | time after 12:00 and before the evening meal | n | 午後 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
again | One more time, once more | adv | 再び;その上 |
against | in opposition to; disagreeing with | prep | ~に反対して |
age | number of years a person has lived (also of things) | n | 年齢 |
agency | business that provides some service for others | n | 代理店 |
agenda | plan or policy to achieve your goal or intentions | n | 議題; 政策; 方針 |
agent | person who can represent and decide for others | n | 代理人; エージェント |
aggressive | behaving in a hostile and threatening way | adj | 積極的な; 攻撃的な; 好戦的な |
ago | At a specified length of time in the past | adv | ~前に |
agree | to have the same opinion as someone else | verb | 同意する;一致する;合う |
agreement | when you share the same opinion or reach a decision | n | 合意;協定;一致 |
agricultural | Concerning farming | adj | 農業の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ahead | In or toward the front | adv | 前方に;先に |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
aid | To provide things useful or needed by others | verb | 援助する |
aim | act of pointing something at a target | n | 目指す; 狙う; 銃や矢を~に向ける |
air | mixture of gases around the earth that we breathe | n | 空気 |
aircraft | vehicle that can fly | n | 航空機 |
airline | company that flies passengers in its planes | n | 航空会社 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
alarm | sound or light used for a warning or alert | n | 警報;アラーム |
album | book with a collection of photographs or pictures | n | (写真の)アルバム |
alcohol | Drinks such as wine, whiskey, beer | n | アルコール飲料 |
alive | Living; not dead | adj | 生きている |
all | completely; totally | adv | すべて |
allege | to State without proof | verb | 主張する |
allow | To let or permit someone do something | verb | 許可する |
ally | Someone who supports, helps, or defends you | n | 同盟国 |
almost | Only a little less than, nearly, not quite | adv | ほとんど |
alone | Without anyone or anything else | adv | 独りで;ただ~だけ |
along | At a point on a line | prep | ~に沿って |
alongside | Side by side with something | prep | ~と並んで;~のそばに;~と平行して |
already | Having happened or been done before this time | adv | すでに |
alright | OK; fine; good | adv | 申し分ない;大丈夫である;了解した |
also | In addition; too; in a similar way | adv | ~もまた;同様に;その上 |
alter | To change a part of something e.g. clothing | verb | 変更する |
alternative | Other choices | n | 選択肢;代替案 |
although | Despite the fact that; however | conj | 〜だけれども |
altogether | Completely and fully | adv | 完全に;全部で;要するに |
always | at all times; in every situation | adv | いつも |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
amaze | To cause wonder; to surprise completely | verb | びっくりさせる |
amendment | a change, addition, or improvement to something | n | 改正 |
among | In the center of some things; in relation to several things | prep | 〜の間に;~の中の |
amount | quantity of something | n | 量;総計,合計に達する;結局~なる |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
analysis | careful study to better understand something | n | 分析 |
analyst | Someone who is skilled at studying details of data | n | 分析家;アナリスト |
analyze | To study carefully to find out the meaning of | verb | 分析する |
ancient | Very old ; having lived a very long time ago | adj | 古代の |
and | used to refer to two or more things | conj | ~と・・・ |
anger | To make someone mad, upset, or annoyed | verb | 怒らせる |
angle | place where two lines or surfaces meet | n | 角度 |
angry | Having a strong feeling of being upset | adj | 腹を立てている |
animal | A living creature that is not a plant or person | n | 動物 |
announce | To make a public statement about a plan, decision | verb | 知らせる;公表する |
announcement | act of informing people about something publicly | n | お知らせ |
annual | happening once a year, or every year | adj | 毎年の |
another | one more (thing); additional (thing) | det | もう一つの;別の |
answer | solution to a problem or test question | n | 答え |
anticipate | To expect or look ahead to something positively | verb | 予期する;予測する; 期待する |
anxiety | Fear about what might happen; worry | n | 不安 |
anxious | Afraid of what may happen; worried and nervous | adj | 心配している |
any | one (thing) of many; some (thing) | det | (疑問文で)何か;いくらか,(否定文で)どれも;少しも,(肯定文で)どれでも |
anybody | Any person; anyone | pron | (疑問文で)誰か,(否定文で)誰も,(肯定文で)誰でも |
anymore | No longer; no more | adv | もはやこれ以上~しない |
anyone | Any person | pron | (疑問文で)誰か,(否定文で)誰も,(肯定文で)誰でも |
anything | thing of any kind; used to refer to a thing in questions | n | (疑問文で)何か,(否定文で)何も,(肯定文で)何でも |
anyway | A word people use to change the topic of a conversation | adv | とにかく;いずれにせよ |
anywhere | in, at or to any place; used in questions, with 'not' | adv | (疑問文で)どこかへ,(否定文で)どこにも,(肯定文で)どこでも |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
apart | Separated by an amount of time or space | adv | 離れて;別々に |
apartment | set of rooms to live in on one floor of a building | n | アパート |
apologize | To say sorry because of a mistake or injury | verb | 謝罪する |
apparent | Easy to see or clearly understand | adj | 明白な |
apparently | according to what you heard; from what can be seen | adv | 明白に;見掛けは |
appeal | To request a judge or others change a decision | verb | 訴える |
appear | to be seen, become visible; come into sight | verb | 現れる |
appearance | The way that something looks | n | 外観;出現;状況 |
application | formal request for job, building permission etc | n | 申し込み; 申請 |
apply | to ask formally for (job, building permission etc) | verb | 申し込む;申請する |
appoint | To officially choose a person for a job, position | verb | 任命する; 指定する |
appointment | time you arranged to meet someone or do something | n | 予約; 約束 |
appreciate | to be thankful for; to value or admire | verb | ありがたく思う;感謝する |
approach | To get close to reaching something or somewhere | verb | 近づく; 接近する |
appropriate | Right or suitable for some situation or purpose | adj | 適切な |
approval | positive opinion of something or someone | n | 賛成;是認 |
approve | To have a positive opinion of someone or something | verb | 賛成する;是認する |
approximately | around; nearly; almost; about (a number) | adv | 約;大体 |
april | 4th month of the year | n | 4月 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
architecture | the design and construction of buildings | n | 建築学;建築物 |
area | A specific section or space; part of a region | n | 地域;場所 |
argue | To give reasons for or against an idea or point of view | verb | 言い争う |
argument | A discussion in which you disagree with another’s opinion | n | 口論 |
arise | To result or happen due to a particular event | verb | 生じる;起こる |
arm | part of your body from your shoulder to your hand | n | 腕 |
army | large group of soldiers organized to fight in wars | n | 軍隊 |
around | Located on every side, or along something | adv | ~の周りに |
arrange | To organize things into an order for them to happen | verb | きちんと並べる; 整える |
arrangement | organized plan, event for a time and place | n | 打ち合わせ;準備 |
arrest | To use the law to catch and keep people who committed crimes | verb | 逮捕する |
arrival | when someone or something gets to at a place | n | 到着 |
arrive | to reach the place you are travelling to | verb | 到着する |
art | A creative skill using the imagination, e.g. painting | n | 芸術 |
article | piece of writing about a particular subject | n | 記事;文書 |
artist | A person who is skilled and creative in art, such as a painter | n | 芸術家;アーティスト |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
as | word that is used to compare two equal things | prep | 同じぐらい;~のように |
ashamed | Feeling shame or guilt because you did something wrong | adj | 恥じている |
aside | to the side; out of the way; for later use | adv | わきへ |
ask | To say to someone that you want something | verb | 尋ねる;求める;頼む |
assess | To judge something's value or suitability | verb | 評価する;査定する |
assessment | conclusion/opinion formed after due consideration | n | 評価 |
asset | thing that has value to you | n | 資産;貴重なもの |
assign | To give someone a particular job or something to do | verb | 割り当てる;指定する |
assist | to help | verb | 手伝う;援助する |
assistance | act of helping someone | n | 援助 |
assistant | person who helps another, usually as a job | n | 助手 |
associate | partner in professional work, e.g. in law | n | 同僚;仕事仲間 |
association | organization of people with the same interest | n | 団体; 協会 |
assume | to believe, based on the evidence; suppose | verb | 仮定する;推測する |
assumption | something you believe to be so, but aren't sure of | n | 仮定;憶説 |
assure | To make sure that something happens | verb | 保証する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
at | in the place where something is | prep | ~の所で;~に |
athlete | person trained to compete in sports | n | スポーツ選手 |
atmosphere | the air around us | n | 大気;空気 |
attach | To be associated or connected with | verb | 取り付ける;添付する |
attachment | strong affection for someone | n | 愛着;愛情 |
attack | to try to destroy, beat, or injure | verb | 攻撃する |
attempt | To try to do something challenging or difficult | verb | 試みる;企てる |
attend | To be present at an event | verb | 出席する |
attendance | state of being present at a place or event | n | 出席 |
attention | focus of your thoughts on something | n | 注意;注目 |
attitude | way you act, think and feel about something | n | 態度 |
attract | To make someone notice and become interested in | verb | 魅了する;引きつける |
attraction | interesting place people want to visit e.g. museum | n | 観光スポット |
attractive | making you like them, as by being good-looking | adj | 魅力的な |
attribute | quality or characteristic that someone or something has, e.g. size or color | n | 属性; 特質 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
audience | group of people listening, watch a play, movie etc | n | 観客 |
august | 8th month of the year | n | 8月 |
author | person who writes books, plays, poems etc | n | 著者 |
automatically | in a way not requiring control by a person | adv | 自動的に |
autumn | The season when the weather is getting colder, after summer | n | 秋 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
available | present and able to be used | adj | 利用できる |
average | typical or normal; usual; ordinary | adj | 平均の;普通の |
avoid | To prevent from happening, or stay away from | verb | 避ける |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
award | To give a prize for doing something well | verb | 授与する,賞 |
aware | Knowing or feeling that something exists | adj | 気づいている |
awareness | Having knowledge of something | n | 認識 |
away | Not here; far from here; in a different direction | adv | 離れて |
awful | Very bad; horrible; terrible | adj | 恐ろしい;ひどい |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
baby | very young child, who cannot yet speak | n | 赤ん坊 |
back | have returned to a place you were before | adv | もとに戻って |
background | images, color, or information behind the main one | n | 背景 |
bad | Not good; wrong | adj | 悪い |
badly | Not in a good way; not as wanted or liked | adv | 悪く |
bag | soft container to put things in and carry with you | n | かばん;バッグ;袋 |
balance | To make two or more things equal | verb | 釣り合う; バランスをとる |
ball | small round object often used in a game or sport | n | ボール;球 |
ban | To make something illegal or not allowed | verb | 禁止する,禁止 |
band | group of people who work together e.g. play music | n | バンド; 楽団 |
bank | A financial institution that keeps or lends money | n | 銀行 |
bar | To prevent entry, exit or an action | verb | 妨げる; (道を)ふさぐ |
barely | In a way that is difficult but still possible; almost not | adv | かろうじて |
barrier | structure or object that stops free movement | n | バリア;障壁 |
base | origin or start from which something came | n | 基; 基礎, 基づく |
basic | at the most important or easiest (beginner) level | adj | 基本的な |
basically | Used before you explain something simply | adv | 基本的には |
basis | starting situation, fact, idea to develop from | n pl. | 基準;基礎 |
bath | long container you fill with hot water to wash in | n | 浴槽 |
battle | military fight between armies | n | 戦い、戦闘 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
be | Being | verb | ~である |
beach | large area of sand, next to an area of water | n | 砂浜 |
bear | large brown animal with fur that lives in forests | n | 熊 |
beat | To win against another person or team; defeat | verb | 打ち負かす |
beautiful | Having very attractive or appealing physical qualities | adj | 美しい |
beauty | The quality of being physically or visually attractive | n | 美人 |
because | For a reason | conj | なぜなら~だから |
become | To begin to be; grow to be; develop into | verb | ~になる |
bed | A piece of furniture that people sleep on | n | ベッド |
bedroom | room with a bed, for sleeping in | n | 寝室 |
beer | alcoholic drink that is made from wheat or grains | n | ビール |
before | At a time earlier than the present; previously | adv | 以前に |
begin | To do the first part of an action; to start | verb | 始まる;始める |
behave | to act in a particular way; to act correctly | verb | 振る舞う |
behavior | the way a person or thing acts; manner | n | 行動 |
behind | In or toward the back | adv | ~の後ろに |
belief | Being sure that something exists or is true | n | 信念 |
believe | To think or accept that something is true | verb | 信じる |
bell | object shaped like a cup that rings when hit | n | ベル |
belong | To be a member of a particular group and feel welcomed | verb | 属する |
below | In a lower position, place, or level | adv | 下に;低く |
belt | band of material worn around a person's waist | n | ベルト |
bend | To use force to make an object not straight | verb | 曲げる |
beneath | Under; In or to a lower position; below | prep | ~の下に |
benefit | good result or effect, something advantageous | n | 利益、特典 |
beside | By the side of something; next to something | prep | ~の近くに;~の 隣に |
besides | Other than or in addition to | prep | ~のほか;~を除いて,その上 |
bet | To gamble money to win more money, e.g. on horses | verb | 賭ける |
between | In the space that separates two objects | prep | ~の間に |
beyond | On or to the farther side; in addition to | adv | ~の向こうに;~を超えて;~のほかに |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
bias | preference to believe things even if incorrect | n pl. | 偏見;バイアス |
bid | To propose an amount you want to pay for something | verb | 入札,値をつける |
big | Large | adj | 大きい |
bike | 2-wheeled vehicle ridden by pushing on foot pedals | n | オートバイ;自転車 |
bill | piece of paper showing what you have to pay | n | 請求書 |
billion | number 1,000,000,000 | num | 十億 |
bin | type of container, usually for trash | n | ゴミ箱;容器 |
bind | To wrap something with rope | verb | 縛る;結ぶ |
biological | Something related to life and living things | adj | 生物学的な |
bird | animal with feathers that uses wings to fly | n | 鳥 |
birth | time when a baby or young animal is born | n | 誕生 |
bit | small piece of something | n | 少し;部分 |
bite | To press down on or cut into something with the teeth | verb | かむ,かむこと |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
black | color of the sky on a dark night | adj | 黒い |
blame | To say someone is responsible for something bad | verb | 非難する |
bless | To make something holy by saying a special prayer | verb | 祝福する |
blind | Unable to see; with eyes that cannot see | adj | 目の見えない |
block | To stop from going forward or making progress | verb | 妨げる; 塞ぐ |
blood | red liquid in the bodies of people and animals | n | 血 |
bloody | Covered or spotted with blood on the surface | adj | 血がついた,ひどく |
blow | To move something using air | verb | 吹き飛ばす |
blue | color of the clear sky | adj | 青い |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
board | surface for posting or showing information | n | (特定の目的のための)板; 台; 盤 |
boat | small form of transport for traveling on water | n | ボート;船 |
body | A person's physical self | n | 体;人 |
bomb | to drop a bomb on; attack with explosives | verb | 爆撃する |
bond | To become joined or connected, e.g. using glue | verb | くっつける; 接着する |
bone | hard piece of your body that forms the skeleton | n | 骨 |
book | Thing made of pages with writing on that you read | n | 本 |
boom | To make a deep hollow resonant sound | verb | ブーンという音;ブーム |
boost | To help increasing progress or growth | verb | 後押し,促進する;引き上げる |
boot | footwear covering your foot and part of your leg | n | ブーツ; 長靴 |
border | line separating one country, state from another | n | 境界; 国境 |
bore | To make someone not interested in something | adj | 退屈させる |
borrow | To take and later return something from another | verb | 借りる |
boss | The person who manages you, or is in charge of you at work | n | 上司;ボス |
both | Used to refer to two things at the same time | adj | 両方 |
bother | To take the trouble to do something | verb | 悩ませる;思い悩む |
bottle | container with a narrow neck used to hold liquids | n | ボトル;瓶 |
bottom | lowest part of something; part on which it rests | n | 底 |
boundary | Where one area ends and another begins | n | 境界 |
bowl | round container used for holding rice, soup etc | n | ボウル |
box | A container with (usually) four straight sides and a lid | n | 箱;ボックス |
boy | A young male person | n | 男の子 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
brain | The part of the head that thinks and controls your body | n | 脳;頭脳 |
branch | part of a tree growing outward from the trunk | n | 枝 |
brand | name given to a product or service e.g. Rolex, Ferrari | n | ブランド;銘柄 |
bread | Baked food made from flour, used in sandwiches, etc. | n | パン |
break | to separate into pieces by force, or by dropping | verb | 壊す;折る |
breakfast | first meal of the day | n | 朝食 |
breast | two soft round parts on a woman’s chest. | n | 胸 |
breath | air you take in and out of your body | n | 息;呼吸 |
breathe | To move air into and out of your lungs | verb | 呼吸する |
breed | To produce baby animals of specific kinds | verb | 動物が子を生む; 繁殖する |
bridge | structure built over river/road so you can cross | n | 橋 |
brief | (of period of time) short; using few words | adj | 短時間の;簡潔な |
briefly | Happening in a short period of time; using few words | adv | 簡潔に |
bright | Producing a lot of light | adj | 明るい; まぶしい |
brilliant | Having a great amount of intelligence or talent | adj | 才気ある |
bring | to take or go with someone to a place | verb | 持ってくる;もたらす;至らせる |
broad | wide; from the shorter two sides to the other | adj | 広範囲の |
broadcast | To send out signals by radio or television | verb | 放送する |
brother | A boy or man who shares a parent with you | n | 兄弟;仲間 |
brown | of the color of coffee or chocolate | adj | 茶色の |
brush | thing used to comb your hair or to clean the floor | n | 磨いたり払うためのハケ |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
budget | the amount of money planned to be spent on something | n | 予算 |
build | To make, e.g. a house, by putting materials together | verb | 建てる;作る |
bunch | group of things of the same kind | n | 束 |
burden | To weigh down with a load, impose a task upon | verb | 荷物;負担 |
burn | To destroy with fire | verb | 燃える;焼く |
burst | To break in a sudden and violent way | verb | 破裂する; 爆発する |
bury | To put something into the ground and cover it | verb | 埋める; 埋葬する |
bus | A large road vehicle used for carrying many people | n | バス |
business | A company formed for making profit | n | 会社 |
busy | working hard doing something; full of activity | adj | 忙しい |
but | Used before you say something different, opposite | conj | でも |
button | small round piece material used to fasten clothing | n | ボタン |
buy | To get something by paying money for it | verb | 買う |
buyer | A person who buys, e.g. a customer in a store | n | 買い手 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
by | Near; with | prep | ~の近くに |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
cable | wire carrying electricity, TV signals, internet etc | n | 電線 |
cake | A sweet baked food made from flour, eggs, fat and sugar | n | ケーキ |
calculate | To find an answer using mathematics | verb | 計算する |
call | To phone someone | verb | 電話する |
calm | Relaxed and not worried or angry | adj | 穏やかな |
camera | object that takes pictures digitally, or on film | n | カメラ |
camp | place where people live for a short time in tents | n | キャンプ |
campaign | To work in an organized and active way towards a goal | verb | 運動;キャンペーン |
can | To be able to; have the skill to; have the time to | aux | 〜することができる |
cancel | To stop a planned event from happening | verb | 取り消す |
cancer | Any growth caused by abnormal cell division | n | 癌 |
cap | small, soft hat often with a front visor or shade | n | 帽子 |
capability | means, ability, or potential to do something | n | 能力 |
capable | Having the ability to do something; can do | adj | 能力がある |
capacity | Ability to hold, involve or contain people or things | n | 能力;容量 |
capital | Main, or major | adj | 主要な |
capture | To catch and prevent person/animal from being free | verb | 捕まえる |
car | A vehicle with four wheels and engine that can carry things | n | 車 |
carbon | chemical element with an atomic number of 6 | n | 炭素 |
card | small piece of paper or plastic used as I.D. | n | カード |
care | to look after someone or something | verb | 世話をする |
career | particular occupation in professional life | n | 経歴;職業 |
careful | Thinking about what you are doing in order to avoid a mistake | adj | 注意深い |
carefully | In a manner that involves focus and care | adv | 注意深く |
carpet | colored floor covering made of wool, etc | n | カーペット |
carry | To hold something and move it to another place | verb | 運ぶ;持つ |
case | example or instance of something | n | 場合 |
cash | physical money (not credit card or digital) | n | 現金 |
cast | people who appear in a play or movie | n | 配役 |
castle | large defensive building in historical times | n | 城 |
cat | animal of the lion, tiger and leopard family | n | 猫 |
catalog | list of items that are available for purchase, usually in the form of a book | n | カタログ |
catch | use your hands to stop and hold something flying | verb | 捕まえる |
category | groups of things that are similar in some way | n | 部門;カテゴリー |
cause | To make something happen; create effect or result | verb | ~の原因となる;引き起こす;~させる |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
celebrate | To observe an event or occasion, e.g. a birthday | verb | 祝う |
celebration | party/event where people rejoice over something | n | お祝い |
cell | short for 'cellphone' | n | 携帯電話 |
cent | 100th of the basic unit of money e.g. there are 100 of these in a dollar | n | セント |
center | place in the middle of something | n | 中心 |
central | Being in the middle | adj | 中央の; 主要な |
century | period of 100 years | n | 世紀 |
ceremony | special social or religious event | n | 儀式 |
certain | Being sure about something; without doubt | adj | 確信している;必ず~する;明白である;若干の |
certainly | (said when something is definitely true or is sure to happen) | adv | 確かに |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
chain | series of (metal) connected links or rings | n | 繋ぎ、連鎖 |
chair | A piece of furniture you sit on when sitting at a table or desk | n | 椅子 |
chairman | A man in charge of a meeting | n | 議長; 会長 |
challenge | an activity you wish to try that may be hard to do | n | 挑戦 |
chamber | enclosed space that holds something e.g. bullets in a gun | n | 部屋;評議会 |
champion | person who fights for or supports strongly | n | チャンピオン;優勝者 |
championship | sports competition to find the best player or team | n | 選手権 |
chance | The possibility that something will happen | n | 機会;可能性;偶然 |
change | To make or become different, or into something else | verb | 変える; 変わる |
channel | long hole dug in the ground | n | 溝を掘る; 溝 |
chapter | One of the main sections of a book | n | 章 |
character | Your personality or nature | n | 性格; 性質; 特徴 |
characteristic | Typical or distinctive | adj | 特徴的な |
characterize | To describe the qualities of person, place, thing | verb | ~とみなす; 描く; 特徴づける |
charge | To ask for money as a price for a service or goods | verb | 請求する |
charity | institution providing help to the needy, the sick | n | 慈善団体 |
charm | quality of making people like you; attractiveness | n | 魅力,魅了 |
chart | drawing showing information in a clear way | n | 図表 |
chase | To go after someone or something with the intent to catch | verb | 追いかける,追跡 |
chat | To talk in a friendly and relaxed manner | verb | おしゃべりする;チャットする |
cheap | Not costing a lot of money | adj | 安い |
check | To confirm the details of something are correct | verb | 確認する |
cheek | soft skin on each side of the face, below the eyes | n | 頬 |
cheese | yellowish solid food made from aged milk | n | チーズ |
chemical | basic substance produced by mixing elements | n | 化学の,化学製品 |
chest | strong, lidded container for storing things | n | (頑丈な)収納箱 |
chicken | A bird which cannot fly that is raised for its eggs and meat | n | ニワトリ |
chief | most important one | adj | 主要な; 最重要の |
child | A very young person, between about 2 and 15 | n | 子ども |
childhood | The time when you are a child | n | 子供時代 |
chip | To break a piece off something e.g. a cup | verb | 削り取る |
chocolate | A hard brown candy made from cocoa beans | n | チョコレート |
choice | decision between two or more possibilities | n | 選択 |
choose | To select; decide between several possibilities | verb | 選ぶ |
church | building where christians gather and pray to god | n | 教会 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
cigarette | white stick filled with tobacco and covered in paper | n | タバコ |
circle | A perfectly round shape | n | 円;輪 |
circumstance | condition or fact that affects a situation | n | 状況 |
cite | To reference the work of others in your writing | verb | 引用する |
citizen | person who belongs to and has rights in a country | n | 市民 |
city | A heavily populated area with many buildings and roads | n | 市;都市 |
civil | of citizens of a country; not military/criminal | adj | 市民の |
civilian | ordinary person who is not in the army | n | 民間人 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
claim | To say something is true when others may not agree | verb | 主張する;要求する |
class | rank or level in society, ranked from high (rich professional people) to low (ordinary people) | n | 階級; ランク |
classic | Something popular or famous for a long time | n | 一流作品;古典 |
classical | Concerning ideas considered to be traditional | adj | 古典的な |
clause | specific term or demand in a legal agreement | n | 条項 |
clean | Being free from dirt or marks because it was washed | adj | きれいな;清潔な |
clear | Easy to understand; well-explained; obvious | adj | はっきりした |
clearly | In a way that is easy to understand; obviously | adv | はっきりと |
climate | typical weather conditions in a particular place | n | 気候 |
climb | To rise gradually and steadily to a higher point | verb | 登る |
clinical | Concerning the treatment or observing patients | adj | 臨床の |
clock | A device that shows the time | n | 時計 |
close | Next to; only a short distance away | adv | 近い |
closely | nearby; just next to | adv | 密接に |
clothes | The things you wear on your body e.g. shirt, dress, tie | n pl. | 衣服 |
clothing | The things you wear on your body e.g. shirt, dress, tie | n | 衣類 |
cloud | a mass of water vapor in the sky, as when it is going to rain | n | 雲;曇り |
club | group of people who share an interest, as in sport | n | クラブ; 同好会; 会員制組織, |
cluster | To come together as in a cluster or flock | verb | 房;群れ,房になる;群がる |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
coach | person who teaches others how to do (sport, job) | n | コーチ |
coal | dark hard substance from the earth burnt as a fuel | n | 石炭 |
coast | land near the sea or ocean | n | 海岸 |
coat | clothing worn outside over your normal clothes | n | 上着; コート |
code | a password made of a set of letters or numbers | n | 符号;コード |
coffee | A brown drink made from roasted beans and boiled water | n | コーヒー |
coin | A small, flat piece of metal used as money | n | 硬貨 |
cold | Having a very low temperature | adj | 冷たい;寒い |
collapse | To suddenly fall down or break apart into pieces | verb | 崩壊する |
colleague | person you work together or cooperate with | n | 同僚 |
collect | To gather things/people together in one place | verb | 集める |
collection | group of similar things gathered as a hobby | n | 収集物(品); コレクション |
college | school or educational institution for adults | n | 大学;(米)単科大学 |
color | Quality of things you can see, e.g. red, blue | n | 色 |
column | regular series of articles in newspaper or magazine | n | コラム; 囲み記事 |
combination | act or result of mixing things together | n | 組み合わせ |
combine | To mix several things together to form one thing | verb | 組み合わせる |
come | To move toward someone; go with someone | verb | 行く |
comedy | Light or amusing play or film, usually with a happy ending | n | コメディー |
comfort | state of being relaxed, warm or happy | n | 快適さ; 安楽 |
comfortable | not being worried about something; at ease | adj | 快適な; 心地よい |
command | To give an order; have control over others | verb | 指揮する |
comment | something you say, giving an opinion; remark | n | 論評;コメント |
commercial | radio or television advertisement | n | コマーシャルの |
commission | group officially put in charge of e.g. education | n | 委員会 |
commit | to do something bad, usually a crime | verb | (罪などを)犯す |
commitment | promise or decision to do something for a purpose | n | 約束; 誓約 |
committee | group of people who do or decide something | n | 委員会 |
common | typical, normal; not unusual | adj | 共通の; 普通の; 一般的な |
communicate | To give and exchange information | verb | 伝える |
communication | talking to people; giving information to people | n | コミュニケーション;通信 |
community | group of people who share a common idea or area | n | 地域社会 |
company | A business that sells things or provides services | n | 会社 |
compare | To consider how similar and different things are | verb | 比較する |
comparison | Looking for differences and similarities in two or more things | n | 比較 |
compensation | (money) given or received as payment for loss | n | 補償 |
compete | To try to beat others at something, e.g. a race | verb | 競争する |
competition | fighting against others when trying to win something | n | 競争 |
competitive | Being strongly driven to win or be better than | adj | 競争の;競争心の強い |
competitor | someone taking part in race, business, etc | n | 競争相手 |
complain | To say something is wrong and should be changed | verb | 不平を言う |
complaint | Saying something is wrong and should be changed | n | 苦情 |
complete | To finish or reach the end of doing something | verb | 完全にする;完成させる |
completely | In every way or as much as possible | adv | 完全に |
complex | Difficult, not easy to understand or explain | adj | 複雑な |
complexity | state of having many parts and not being simple | n | 複雑さ |
complicate | To make more difficult to do, understand or use | verb | 複雑にする |
component | One of the parts that consists something | adj | 構成要素;部品 |
compose | To come together to form or make something e.g. music | verb | 作成する;構成する |
composition | way in which something is put together e.g an essay or piece of music | n | 構成;組成;合成物;作文;作曲 |
compound | Combined into, or making up a chemical combination | n | 合成物; 化合物, 合成された |
comprehensive | Including most or all things | adj | 包括的な;理解力のある |
comprise | To make up or form something | verb | 含む;構成する |
compromise | To come to agreement by mutual concession | verb | 妥協する;危険にさらす,妥協 |
compute | To find out by calculating or estimating | verb | 計算する |
computer | A machine for storing information and accessing the internet | n | コンピュータ |
concentrate | to pay great attention to a task; focus | verb | 集中する |
concentration | paying ( a lot of) attention to a task | n | 集中;濃度 |
concept | abstract idea of something or how it works | n | 概念 |
concern | feeling of worry or anxiety | n | 心配; 懸念 |
concert | Musical entertainment given in public by one or more performers | n | コンサート |
conclude | To stop or finish; to come to the end of something | verb | 結論を出す;締結する |
conclusion | judgment or opinion after thinking for a while | n | 結論;締結 |
concrete | hard substance used in building made by mixing cement, sand, small stones, and water | n | コンクリート, コンクリートで固める |
condition | the state of living you are in, e.g. good health | n | 状態; 状況 |
conduct | To direct, lead or guide something | verb | 導く; 案内する |
confidence | feeling that you can do well at something | n | 自信 |
confident | feeling that you can do well at something | adj | 自信のある |
confirm | To provide evidence to establish the truth of | verb | 確認する |
conflict | To have opposite ideas; to disagree; To not match | verb | 矛盾する;衝突する |
confuse | To make something unclear or hard to understand | verb | 混乱させる |
confusion | Not knowing what to do; state of disorder | n | 混乱 |
connect | To join or attach things together | verb | つなぐ;接続する |
connection | something that joins things together; being joined | n | 接続 |
consequence | outcome of an event; result | n | 結果 |
consequently | therefore; as a result of something | adv | その結果として |
conservative | Resistant to change | adj | 保守的な |
consider | To think carefully about something | verb | 考慮する;みなす |
considerable | large in size, amount, or effect | adj | かなりの |
consideration | careful thought; thinking about something | n | 考慮事項 |
consist | To have as an essential, necessary or main part | verb | ~から成り立つ |
consistent | In agreement or consistent or reliable | adj | 一貫した;一致した |
constant | Happening frequently or without pause | adj | 不変の;不断の |
constantly | frequently or without pause | adv | 絶えず |
constitute | To appoint to an office, function, or dignity | verb | 構成する |
constraint | Thing that prevents you moving or acting; restriction | n | 制約 |
construct | To build or create something | verb | 組み立てる;建てる |
construction | act of building something; thing that is built | n | 構造;建造 |
consult | To discuss something to make a decision | verb | 相談する;調べる |
consultant | expert who gives (paid) advice | n | コンサルタント ;顧問 |
consume | To eat, drink, buy or use up something | verb | 消費する |
consumer | person who uses goods or services; individual buyer | n | 消費者 |
contact | To get in touch with someone | verb | 接触する;連絡する |
contain | To hold something inside something else | verb | 含む;入る |
contemporary | Being of the time being discussed | n | 現代の;同時期に起こる |
content | information in something, e.g. a book or computer program | n | 内容; 中身 |
contest | struggle or competition between rivals | n | 競争,争う |
context | set of facts surrounding a person or event | n | 文脈;状況 |
continue | To do something without stopping, or after pausing | verb | 続く |
continuous | Happening, existing, or being performed without stops | adj | 連続的な |
contract | legal agreement, e.g. for doing work for money | n | 契約 |
contrast | to compare; to show clear, obvious differences | verb | 対照させる |
contribute | To donate, give (money) or help to something | verb | 寄付する |
contribution | Helping a cause by giving money, things, services | n | 寄付 |
control | To direct or influence the behavior of something | verb | 支配する;管理する;抑制する;照査する |
controversial | Causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict | adj | 物議を醸す |
convention | large formal assembly | n | 大会;慣習;条約 |
conventional | Following the common attitudes and practices | adj | 従来の |
conversation | when you talk with other people; discussion or chat | n | 会話; 対談 |
convert | To change form, character, or function to another | verb | 変換する |
convince | To persuade someone, or make them feel sure | verb | 納得させる |
cook | To heat food until it is ready to eat | verb | 料理する |
cool | Almost cold; not warm or hot | adj | 涼しい;冷たい |
cooperation | instance when someone agrees to work with at least one other person, to get something done | n | 協力 |
cope | To deal with something in spite of difficulties | verb | 対処する |
copy | To make something that looks the same as the original | verb | 写す; コピーする; まねる |
core | important central part of something | n | 中核部;髄 |
corner | place where two lines, sides, corners etc meet | n | コーナー;角;地域;窮地 |
corporate | Concerning (usually large) companies | adj | 法人組織の;団体の |
corporation | big company or a combination of several companies | n | 法人;会社 |
correct | True or accurate | adj | 正しい,訂正する |
correspond | To have similarity or equality with something | verb | 対応する; 一致する |
cost | The price you pay for something | n | 費用 |
cough | To force air through your throat with a short, loud noise | verb | 咳をする |
could | Used as the past form of can, to indicate possibility | verb | ~できた |
council | group chosen to make decisions about something | n | 評議会 |
counsel | To listen and give expert advice to someone | n | 助言;弁護士 |
count | To add things together to find the total number | verb | 数える;重要である |
counter | To indicate opposition or resistance | verb | 反論,反論する |
country | An area of land that is controlled by a government | n | 国 |
county | administrative region within a country or a state | n | 郡;州 |
couple | two of something; two people; a pair | n | ペア;カップル |
course | The route or direction that a river, etc moves along | n | 方向; 進路 |
court | large, flat area, to play tennis or basketball | n | (テニスなどの)コート |
cover | thing you put over something to close or hide it | n | 蓋; 覆う |
coverage | type of programs a radio or TV station broadcasts | n | 報道 |
cow | large farm animal from which we get milk and beef | n | 牛 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
crack | To almost break something | verb | 割れる,割れ目 |
craft | To make by hand and with much skill | verb | 工芸品 |
crash | to damage an object by causing it to hit something | verb | 衝突する |
crazy | Not being sensible or practical | adj | 気が狂った;夢中である |
cream | thick liquid rubbed into the skin | n | クリーム |
create | to make, cause, or bring into existence | verb | 作り出す;創造する |
creation | act of making something | n | 創造 |
creative | Having the ability to make something new | adj | 創造力のある |
creature | animal of any type | n | 生き物 |
credit | system to buy something and pay for it later | n | クレジット;信用 |
crew | organized group of workers (e.g. on a ship) | n | 乗組員 |
crime | act that is against the law; murder, theft etc | n | 犯罪 |
criminal | Involving illegal activity ; relating to crime | adj | 犯罪の,犯人 |
crisis | unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty | n pl. | 危機 |
criterion | standard used to make judgments or decisions | n | 基準 |
critic | person who judges (e.g. art) and gives opinions | n | 評論家 |
critical | being important or serious; vital; dangerous | adj | 重大な;危機の |
criticism | negative judgment of something | n | 批判 |
criticize | To say that someone or something is bad | verb | 批判する |
crop | Plants grown on a farm for food, e.g. corn or rice | n | 作物 |
cross | To meet at one point | verb | 横断する;交差する,交差している |
crowd | large group of people together in one place | n | 群衆,群がる;押す |
crucial | Extremely important | adj | 決定的な |
cry | to produce tears and sounds because of pain | verb | 泣く |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
cultural | of a particular society’s customs and beliefs | adj | 文化的な |
culture | beliefs and customs of a particular group | n | 文化;教養 |
cup | small round container used to hold liquids for drinking | n | カップ |
curious | Wanting to know more about something | adj | 好奇心がある |
currency | money system that a country uses | n | 通貨 |
current | Happening or being in the present time | adj | 現在の |
currently | Happening or being in the present time | adv | 現在 |
curtain | piece of cloth used to cover a window | n | カーテン |
curve | smooth rounded line that is not straight | n | 曲線,曲がり |
custom | What is usual or normal | n | 習慣 |
customer | Someone who buys goods or services from a business | n | 顧客 |
cut | To use a knife or scissors to divide or open the surface | verb | 切る |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
cycle | series of regular and repeated actions | n | 周期;循環,循環する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
daily | Happening every day | adv | 日々 |
damage | Physical harm that is done to something | n | 損害,損害を与える |
damn | Used as expletives | adv | ちくしょう,すごく |
dance | To move your body rhythmically to music | verb | 踊る |
danger | The possibility of getting hurt, damaged, or killed | n | 危険 |
dangerous | involving the chance of hurt or damage; risky | adj | 危険な |
dare | To have enough courage to do something | verb | あえて~する |
dark | Having little or no light; not light in color | adj | 暗い |
darkness | The state or quality of being dark in color | n | 暗さ;黒さ |
data | Facts or information used to calculate or analyze | n pl. | データ |
database | data stored in logical order to aid retrieval | n | データベース |
date | A day in the calendar such as January 3rd | n | 日付 |
daughter | A female child of someone | n | 娘 |
day | Each of the 24 hours beginning at midnight | n | 日 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
dead | Not alive | adj | 死んでいる |
deal | to give out (cards, etc) to; distribute | verb | 分け与える;配る |
dealer | Someone who buys things to sell to others | n | 販売業者 |
dear | Loved or valued very much | adj | 親愛な |
death | when someone dies; the end of life | n | 死;死亡 |
debate | general public discussion of a topic | n | 討論 |
debt | Sum of money owed to somebody that is not yet paid | n | 借金 |
decade | period of 10 years | n | 10年 |
december | The 12th month of the year | n | 12月 |
decide | To make a choice about something or choose after thinking | verb | 決める |
decision | choice made after thinking; final judgment | n | 決定 |
declare | To say something in an official or sure way | verb | 発表する |
decline | To not accept an invitation or offer; refuse | verb | 断る |
decrease | To reduce the size, amount or number of something | verb | 減る,減少する |
dedicate | To give your energy, time, etc. completely to someone | verb | 捧げる;専念する |
deep | Going far down from the surface | adj | 深い |
deeply | to a great, intense or extreme extent | adv | 深く;深刻に |
defeat | To be victorious over an enemy/team/disease; beat | verb | 敗北,負かす |
defend | To protect against an attack | verb | 守る |
defense | the process of protecting something from attack | n | 防衛 |
deficit | property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required | n | 赤字;不足 |
define | To explain the meaning of words | verb | 定義する |
definitely | Without question; beyond doubt | adv | 明確に |
definition | explanation of word's meaning, as in dictionaries | n | 定義 |
degree | unit for measuring temperature or angles | n | 度; 程度;レベル |
delay | To do something later than is planned or expected | verb | 遅らせる,遅延 |
delight | strong feeling of great pleasure | n | 大喜び,喜ばせる |
deliver | To take something to a person or place | verb | 配達する;伝える;出産する |
delivery | act of taking something to a person or place | n | 配達;話し方;出産 |
demand | To strongly request someone to do something; insist | verb | 要求する,要求 |
democracy | system of government in which everyone is equal | n | 民主主義 |
democratic | of democracy; entitling the people to power | adj | 民主的な |
demonstrate | To show how something works (e.g. product) | verb | 証明する;実証する |
demonstration | Explanation of how something works (e.g. product) | n | 証明;実証 |
density | degree to which an area is filled or covered | n | 密度 |
deny | To refuse to allow or accept something | verb | 否定する |
department | division of a larger part or organization | n | 部門;局;課;学科 |
depend on | To rely on for support (financial or emotional) | verb | 依存する;頼る |
dependent | Someone who relies on someone for (financial) support | adj | 他人に頼っている |
deposit | part payment so that an item will be kept for you | n | 保証金 |
depress | To make someone feel sad or depressed | verb | 落ち込ませる |
depression | medical condition in which a person's sadness stops him/her from living his/her life normally | n | 不景気;うつ病;衰弱 |
depth | distance below a surface | n | 深さ |
derive | Formed or developed from something else; not original | verb | 引き出す |
describe | To tell someone the appearance, sound or smell of something | verb | 説明する;描写する |
description | Something that tells you what something is like or looks like | n | 記述;説明;描写 |
desert | bare area of land, often with few plants and water | n | 砂漠 |
deserve | To be worthy of, e.g. getting praise or attention | verb | 値する |
design | to plan in a particular way to fulfill a purpose | verb | 図案;設計図;計画,デザインする;考案する |
designer | Someone who creates plans to make something | n | デザイナー |
desire | To wish for, hope or want something | verb | 望む;強く欲する,欲望;願望 |
desk | A piece of furniture like a table often with drawers | n | 机 |
despite | Without being affected by something; in spite of | prep | 〜にもかかわらず |
destroy | To damage so badly that something no longer exists | verb | 破壊する |
destruction | Damaging something so badly that it no longer exists | n | 破壊 |
detail | small part of something; tiny fact | n | 細部;詳細,詳しく述べる |
detect | To discover or identify the presence of something | verb | 見つける;検出する |
determination | will to achieve a goal despite difficulties | n | 決意 |
determine | To control exactly how something will be or act | verb | 決定する |
develop | To grow bigger, more complex, or more advanced | verb | 発達する;開発する |
development | act or process of growing bigger or more advanced | n | 発達;開発 |
device | object, machine, or equipment for a specific use | n | 装置;デバイス |
devote | To decide to use or give something for something else | verb | ささげる;当てる |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
dialog | conversation between two or more individuals | n | 対話 |
die | (of a person) to stop living | verb | 死ぬ |
diet | To eat special or less food, as to lose weight | verb | 食事,ダイエットする |
differ | To be different; to be not like others | verb | 異なる |
difference | Not of the same kind; unlike other things | n | 相違 |
different | Not of the same kind; unlike other things | adj | 異なる;いろいろな;変わった |
differently | In another and different manner | adv | 異なって |
difficult | Hard; not easy; you need to work hard to do it | adj | 難しい |
difficulty | Something that is hard to do | n | 難しさ;困難 |
dig | To move material to create a hole | verb | 掘る |
digital | using electronic signals or computers | adj | デジタルの |
dimension | measurable extent of length, width, or height | n | 寸法;面積;局面 |
dinner | The main meal of the day, usually in the evening in the US | n | 夕食 |
direct | to tell someone to do something in a straight-talking way | verb | 直接的な;率直な |
direction | Describes the way you are going, e.g. North | n | 方向 |
directly | in a frank and honest way | adv | 直接に |
director | senior person who manages part of an organization | n | (会社の)重役;所長;監督 |
dirty | Not clean | adj | 汚い |
disagree | To have a different opinion ; to fail to agree | verb | 反対する |
disappear | To no longer see because it’s not there any more | verb | 消える |
disappoint | To not meet the expectations of others or yourself | verb | 失望させる |
disaster | state of extreme ruin and misfortune | n | 災害 |
discipline | Instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control | n | 規律;訓練;分野,律する |
discount | Make the price of something lower | n | 割引,割り引く |
discover | To find something new that was not known before | verb | 発見する |
discovery | Learning something for the first time | n | 発見 |
discuss | To talk about something seriously or in great detail | verb | 議論する |
discussion | Any long communication about some particular topic | n | 議論 |
disease | illness that affects a person, animal, or plant | n | 病気 |
dish | shallow container that you cook or serve food in | n | 皿;料理 |
disk | thin or flat, round object, e.g. for storing data | n | ディスク |
dismiss | To send someone away | verb | 解雇する;却下する |
disorder | state of confusion or a lack of organization | n | 無秩序;疾患;障害 |
display | to put so they can be seen or be bought | verb | 表示する;展示する,表示;展示 |
dispute | argument between two or more parties about something | n | 論争;紛争,論争する |
distance | amount of space between two places or things | n | 距離 |
distant | Existing or happening far away in space | adj | 遠い |
distinct | clearly different in nature from something else | adj | はっきりした;明白な |
distinction | special quality that makes something different | n | 区別;差異 |
distinguish | To be a feature to make something clearly different from others | verb | 区別する |
distribute | To hand in or deliver something to people | verb | 分配する |
district | area of a country, city, or town | n | 地区 |
disturb | To stop someone from working or sleeping | verb | 乱す;妨げる |
diversity | state or quality of having a range of different things and ideas | n | 多様性 |
divide | To separate something into equal pieces | verb | 分ける;分割する |
division | act of dividing; something that divides | n | 分割;部門 |
divorce | legal dissolution or breakup of a marriage | n | 離婚する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
do | To act; to perform actions | verb | する |
document | official (printed) record that gives information | n | 文書 |
dog | Small 4-legged animal that barks kept as a pet | n | 犬 |
dollar | A basic unit of money equal to 100 cent | n | ドル |
domestic | Concerning or made in your own country | adj | 国内の |
dominate | To control; rule; enjoy a commanding position in | verb | 支配する |
door | You walk through this when you go in a room | n | ドア |
double | Two times the amount or degree; twice | prep | 二倍,二倍の |
doubt | not being sure of something; lack of certainty | n | 疑い |
down | Going from a higher position to a lower position | prep | 下へ;下って |
dozen | 12 people or things | n | 1ダース |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
draft | first attempt at a piece of writing | n | 下書き;草案,原稿を書く;下書きをする |
drag | To pull something that difficult to move | verb | 引っ張る |
drama | play that is performed on stage, theater, or TV | n | 劇;ドラマ |
dramatic | (of an event) sudden and extreme | adj | 劇的な |
dramatically | In a sudden or extreme manner | adv | 劇的に |
draw | To create an image using pen or pencil and paper | verb | 線を引く;描く |
dream | images, thoughts, and feelings that are experienced during sleep | n | 夢 |
dress | Women's garment with a top part and a skirt | n | ドレス;ワンピース;服装 |
drink | To put water in your body through your mouth | verb | 飲む |
drive | To control a vehicle so that it moves somewhere | verb | 運転する |
driver | Someone who operates a vehicle | n | 運転手 |
drop | To let something fall from your hand | verb | 落とす |
drug | chemical used as a medicine | n | 薬 |
dry | Without water; not wet | adj | 乾いた |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
due | when something is required or expected | adj | 期日の、 満期の |
during | At some point in the course of an event or thing | prep | ~の間に |
dust | Fine dry powder that builds up on surfaces | n | ほこり |
duty | work required by your job or position | n | 義務 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
each | Every one of two or more things | det | 各;1つ1つの |
ear | Thing on either side of your head that you hear with | n | 耳 |
early | Happening sooner than expected | adj | 早い;初期の |
earn | to get money for work | verb | 稼ぐ |
earth | the planet we live on | n | 地球 |
ease | state of being comfortable or relaxed | n | 気楽さ;容易さ |
easily | without difficulty | adv | 簡単に |
east | The direction where the sun rises | n | 東 |
eastern | being in the area to the east | adj | 東方の |
easy | Not hard to do; not difficult | adj | 簡単な;ゆったりした |
eat | to put food in your mouth | verb | 食べる |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
economic | Having to do with trade, industry, and money | adj | 経済の |
economy | total of all the goods, services and wages in an area | n | 経済 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
edge | boundary of a surface | n | 端;ふち |
edit | to check and makes changes before publication | verb | 編集する |
edition | form in which a book, magazine, or other text is released | n | 版 |
editor | Person deciding the contents of a book or magazine | n | 編集者 |
educate | to teach someone in a school or college | verb | 教育する |
education | process of giving or receiving teaching | n | 教育 |
educational | Intended to teach or inform | adj | 教育の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
effect | change brought about by a cause; result | n | 効果 |
effective | working efficiently to produce a desired result | adj | 効果的な |
effectively | In a way that produces the desired result | adv | 効果的に |
efficiency | working well; producing something without waste | n | 効率 |
efficient | Able to produce results without waste | adj | 効率的な;有能な |
effort | amount of work used trying to do something | n | 努力 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
egg | hard-shelled thing from which a young bird is born | n | 卵 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
eight | 8 | num | 8 |
eighteen | 18 | num | 18 |
eighty | 80 | num | 80 |
either | one of two (used when there is a choice of two) | adj | どちらか |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
elderly | Being very old | adv | 年配の |
elect to | To choose to do something; to make a decision | verb | 選ぶ |
election | process of choosing someone by voting | n | 選挙 |
electric | using electricity | adj | 電気の |
electricity | energy generated positive and negative charges | n | 電気 |
electronic | Operating by use of electricity; digital | adj | 電子の |
element | essential or particular part of something | n | 要素 |
eleven | 11 | num | 11 |
eliminate | To completely remove; to get rid of | verb | 排除する |
else | otherwise; if you fail to... | adv | その他に;さもないと |
elsewhere | In or to another or different place | adv | どこか他の所で |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
communicate electronically on the computer | undefined | メール | |
embarrass | to cause someone to feel uncomfortable about something | verb | 恥ずかしがらせる |
embrace | act of holding someone closely | n | 受け入れる;囲む;抱擁する |
emerge | To rise or appear out of some background | verb | 出現する |
emergency | sudden event needing an immediate action | n | 緊急事態 |
emotion | a feeling such as sadness, anger or love | n | 感情 |
emotional | causing, feeling, or appealing to the emotions | adj | 感情の |
emphasis | special attention, importance, or force | n pl. | 強調 |
emphasize | To stress the items that are important | verb | 強調する |
empire | group of countries controlled by one government | n | 帝国 |
employ | To pay a person to work for you; to give a job to | verb | 雇う |
employee | person who works for someone else for payment | n | 従業員 |
employer | person or firm that hires workers | n | 雇用主 |
employment | act of employing someone | n | 雇用 |
empty | Containing nothing; with no contents | adj | 空っぽの |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
enable | To make it possible to do something | verb | 可能にする |
encounter | To unexpectedly be faced with or experience | verb | 出会う,出会い |
encourage | To make someone more determined or confident | verb | 励ます;奨励する |
end | A point that marks the limit of something; finish | n | 終わり |
enemy | Someone who wants to harm another | n | 敵 |
energy | physical or mental strength | n | 精力;エネルギー |
engage | To carry out, participate in; be involved in | verb | 従事する;かみ合う |
engine | machine that changes energy into mechanical motion | n | エンジン |
engineer | one whose job is involved with engineering | n | エンジニア;技師 |
enhance | Make effect to increase or improve | verb | 高める;強化する |
enjoy | To take pleasure in something | verb | 楽しむ |
enormous | Huge, very big, very large | adj | 巨大な |
enough | Equal to what is needed; as much as required | adj | 十分な,十分に |
ensure | To make something sure, certain, or safe | verb | 保証する;確保する |
enter | To go into a room | verb | 入る |
enterprise | Willingness to take new ventures; initiative; business organization; plan | n | 企業; 事業; 企て |
entertain | To take care of guests by offering them food or drink often at your home or in a restaurant | verb | もてなす |
entertainment | activity make people have a good time by singing, telling jokes, etc | n | エンターテイメント; 娯楽 |
entire | Complete or full; with no part left out; whole | adj | 全体の;完全な |
entirely | Wholly; completely | adv | 全く |
entitle | To give a right to someone | verb | 資格をあたえる; 題名をつける |
entrance | way into a place | n | 入り口;入場 |
entry | act of entering | n | 入場 |
envelope | enclosing cover for a letter or card | n | 封筒 |
environment | The natural world in which plants and animals live | n | 環境 |
environmental | Of the natural world in which plants and animals live | adj | 環境の;環境保護の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
episode | show which is part of a larger story | n | エピソード;出来事 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
equal | same in shape, size, or number | adj | 等しい |
equally | In an equal, even, or identical manner | adv | 同様に;等しく |
equation | mathematical statement showing things to be equal | n | 方程式 |
equipment | Tools or materials used to perform a task | n | 装置;設備 |
equivalent | Having equality in value, use or meaning | adj | 同等の;相当する,同等物 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
era | period of time that is characterized by particular events, qualities, conditions, or individuals | n | 時代 |
error | Something that is not correct; a mistake | n | エラー;誤り |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
escape | To get away from a place where you are being kept | verb | 逃げる |
especially | More than usual; extremely | adv | 特に |
essay | short written work that displays someone's opinions or beliefs regarding a particular subject | n | 小論文; エッセイ |
essential | Extremely important and necessary | adj | 不可欠な;本質的な |
establish | To set or create something to last for a long time | verb | 設立する;制定する |
establishment | organization, institution or place to do business | n | 設立;制定;施設 |
estate | Land that a person owns | n | 土地;財産;地位 |
estimate | guess or calculation of cost, size or value | n | 見積もり |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ethnic | Connected with people who shares a cultural tradition | adj | 民族的な |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
evaluate | To form an idea to judge something carefully | verb | 評価する |
evaluation | judgment about the value or condition of something | n | 評価 |
even | (when this is surprising) as well; too | adv | 更に |
evening | The last part of the day and early part of the night | n | 夕方;晩 |
event | Something that happens | n | 出来事 |
eventually | Finally | adv | 最終的には |
ever | At any time; at all times in the future | adv | 今までに;絶対に;ずっと;いつか;いったい |
every | Including each person or thing in a group | det | すべての;毎~ |
everybody | Every person; everyone | pron | みんな;誰でも |
everyday | Used or seen daily; suitable for daily use; ordinary | adj | 毎日;日常の |
everyone | Every person; everybody | pron | みんな;誰でも |
everything | All of the things mentioned | pron | すべてのこと・もの |
everywhere | Every place | adv | どこでも;どこで~しても |
evidence | factual proof that helps to establish the truth | n | 証拠 |
evil | Morally bad; causing harm to someone | adj | 悪 |
evolution | scientific theory that states that plants and animals change slowly over time according to the environments they live in | n | 進化 |
evolve | To slowly change or develop into something better | verb | 進化する; 発展する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
exact | Completely correct; accurate; specific | adj | 正確な |
exactly | No more and no less than; precisely | adv | 正確に |
exam | test of your knowledge of, or ability in something | n | 試験 |
examination | test of your knowledge of, or ability in something | n | 試験 |
examine | to test your knowledge or ability | verb | 試験をする;調べる |
example | thing/person which represents a category | n | 例 |
exceed | To be greater in number than something | verb | 超える |
excellent | extremely good | adj | 非常に優れた |
except | Not including; other than | prep | ~を除いて;~以外 |
exception | Something different or not included | n | 例外 |
excess | amount that is more than necessary | n | 過剰,過度の |
exchange | To give things of similar value to each other | verb | 交換する |
excite | To make someone feel happy, interested or eager | verb | 刺激する;興奮させる |
excitement | When people feel very happy and enthusiastic | n | 興奮;刺激 |
exclude | To prevent someone from access to a group | verb | 除外する |
excuse | to allow someone not to do (jury service, etc) | verb | 免除する |
executive | a senior manager in a business or organization | n | 幹部 |
exercise | To work out to become stronger and healthier | n | 運動する |
exhaust | Be very very tired | verb | 疲れさせる |
exhibit | To display or make available for people to see | verb | 展示する;表す |
exhibition | public event at which an object or group of objects is put on display for people to look at | n | 展示;展覧会 |
exist | to be present, alive or real | verb | 存在する |
existence | state of being present, alive or real | n | 存在 |
expand | To become bigger or larger in size and amount | verb | 拡大する |
expansion | act of EXPANDING or becoming bigger | n | 拡大 |
expect | To believe something is probably going to happen | verb | 予期する;期待する |
expectation | belief or hope that something is going to happen | n | 予想;期待 |
expenditure | amount of money used during a certain time | n | 支出;費用 |
expense | paying money for something (big) | n | 費用 |
expensive | Costing a lot of money | adj | 値段が高い |
experience | knowledge gained by living life, doing new things | n | 経験 |
experiment | test performed to assess new ideas or theories | n | 実験 |
experimental | using techniques that are different or untried before | adj | 実験的な |
expert | skillful person with special knowledge | n | 専門家 |
explain | To make clear or easy to understand by describing | verb | 説明する |
explanation | details or reasons given to make something clear | n | 説明 |
explore | To examine something in detail to learn about it | verb | 探索する |
export | To send goods to be sold in another country | verb | 輸出する |
expose | To make visible, without covering or protection | verb | さらす;暴く |
exposure | state of experiencing something directly | n | さらすこと;暴露 |
express | To state or show what you think or how you feel | verb | 表す;述べる |
expression | act of making your thoughts and feelings known | n | 表現;表情 |
extend | To straighten or stretch something out, e.g. your leg | verb | 引き伸ばす;広げる |
extension | extra time allowed to complete something | n | 時間延長 |
extensive | Large; full or complete | adj | 広い |
extent | range or space included in something | n | 範囲;広がり |
external | Outside of something | adj | 外部の |
extra | More than necessary; additional | adj | 余分の,余分なもの |
extract | Take something out of something else | n | 引き出す;抽出する |
extraordinary | Beyond what is ordinary; very unusual; remarkable | adj | 異常な |
extreme | Very great in degree | adj | 極端な,極度 |
extremely | In a way that is much more than usual or expected | adv | 極めて |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
eye | The part of the body that you see with | n | 目 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
face | front part of the head where eyes, nose, and mouth are | n | 顔 |
facility | piece of equipment or buildings with a special use | n | 施設 |
fact | something that is known or proved to be true | n | 事実 |
factor | Something that influences a result | n | 要因 |
factory | building where things are made | n | 工場 |
fade | To lose strength or freshness | verb | しぼむ;色あせる |
fail | To not achieve a goal, or to go wrong | verb | 失敗する、目標に達成しない |
failure | act or result of not achieving your goals | n | 失敗;落第;不足 |
fair | Treating all people the same way | adj | 公正な;公平な |
fairly | quite; pretty; between very and a little | adv | かなり |
faith | belief that that something is true without proof | n | 信仰;信頼 |
faithfully | in a trustworthy manner | adv | 忠実に |
fall | Dropping from a standing position to the ground | n | 落下 |
false | Not real or genuine | det | うその |
familiar | Well-known or easily recognized | adj | よく知られた |
family | a group of people who are related through blood | n | 家族 |
famous | widely known; recognized by many people | adj | 有名な |
fan | thing you wave in front of your face to stay cool | n | 扇風機;うちわ |
fancy | To want to have or do something; feel like | verb | 好む;~したい気がする |
fantastic | Very fanciful in design, construction, or appearance | adj | 素晴らしい;幻想的な |
far | a long way away | adj | 遠い |
farm | Land used for growing crops or raising animals | n | 農場 |
farmer | person who operates a farm | n | 農家の人 |
fascinate | Attract or interest greatly | verb | 魅了する |
fashion | style of dress or activity popular at some time | n | 服装 |
fast | Moving or able to move quickly | adj | 速い |
fat | oily part of meat | n | 脂肪 |
father | A male parent | n | 父 |
fault | a failure or negative aspect of | n | 欠点 |
favor | helpful act of kindness | n | 親切,好む;賛成する |
favorite | Most liked; best loved | adj | お気に入りの |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
fear | unpleasant feeling caused by being aware of danger | n | 恐れ |
feature | distinctive or important point of something | n | 特徴 |
february | 2nd month of the year | n | 2月 |
federal | system of government | adj | 連邦 |
fee | amount of money paid for a particular service | n | 料金 |
feed | To give food, e.g. to animals or a baby | verb | 食べ物を与える |
feel | To be aware of or experience an emotion or sensation | verb | 感じる |
fellow | belonging to the same group | adj | 仲間 |
female | person of the sex that gives birth to babies | adj | 女性 |
fence | wood/metal structure enclosing an area/land | n | フェンス,囲い |
festival | cultural event with a program of events | n | 祭り |
few | not many; small in number | adj | 少ない;ほとんどない |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
fiction | book or story including ideas , people and events that are not real | n | 架空;フィクション |
field | open area of land, especially without buildings | n | 野原 |
fifteen | 15 | num | 15 |
fifty | 50 | num | 50 |
fight | act of trying to hurt someone by hitting them | n | けんか;戦い |
figure | to understand after thinking; work out | verb | ~と考える |
file | To submit documents to an authority, e.g. city hall | verb | 提出する |
fill | To make something full | verb | いっぱいにする;満たす |
film | movie | n | 映画 |
filter | device that removes unwanted substances from a liquid or gas | n | ろ過器;フィルター,ろ過する;フィルターにかける |
final | Being the last thing in a series | adj | 最後の |
finally | After a long time or some difficulty | adv | 最後に;やっと |
finance | control of money a person/business has access to | n | 財政;金融,資金 |
financial | Involving money | adj | 財政の;金融の |
find | To discover something by looking for it | verb | 発見する |
fine | Good, acceptable or satisfactory | adj | 十分な |
finger | One of the five long parts of the hand | n | 指 |
finish | the end of something; completion | n | 終わり |
fire | heat and the flame produced when burning | n | 火;火事 |
firm | Fairly hard or solid, not soft | adj | 堅い;安定した |
firmly | in a hard, steady, unchanging way | adv | 堅く;しっかりと |
first | Coming before all others in time or place | adj | 一番最初の |
firstly | Before anything else | adv | まず第一に |
fish | animal that swims and lives in the sea | n | 魚 |
fit | Proper or acceptable; morally or socially correct | adj | 適している |
five | 5 | num | 5 |
fix | To make something whole or able to work again | verb | 直す |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
flag | piece of cloth, frequently marked with a colorful symbol or sign | n | 旗 |
flash | sudden bright light | n | 閃光,ぴかっと光る |
flat | level; even; without curves or bumps | adj | 平らな |
flexible | Capable of being easily bent changed without breaking | adj | 柔軟な |
flight | the act of flying | n | 飛行 |
float | To rest on top of a surface of water or another liquid | verb | 浮く |
flood | large amount of water covering land that is usually dry | n | 洪水 |
floor | part of a room on which you stand | n | 床 |
flow | To move steadily and easily in a certain direction | verb | 流れる |
flower | plant with a pretty head, e.g. a rose | n | 花 |
fly | To travel through the air using wings | verb | 羽ばたいて飛ぶ |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
focus | main purpose or center of interest or activity | n | 焦点 |
fold | To bend one part of something against another part e.g. paper | verb | 折りたたむ |
folk | of ordinary people; not sophisticated | adj | 人の、民族の |
follow | to come after someone; be guided by someone | verb | 後について行く;従う |
food | What people and animals eat to live | n | 食物 |
fool | To trick someone; to deceive | verb | だます |
foot | lowest part of the leg we use to stand on | n | 足 |
football | sport where 2 teams try to kick a ball in a goal; soccer | n | サッカー |
for | Used to show the purpose, or need of something | prep | ~のために;~に向かって;~にとって;~に関して;~に賛成して;~の代わりに;~だから |
force | To use physical strength or violence to persuade | verb | 強制する |
forecast | prediction of some future thing, e.g. the weather | n | 予報 |
foreign | Being of a different place or country | adj | 外国の |
forest | large area with many trees | n | 森林 |
forever | For a very long or seemingly endless time | adv | 永遠に |
forget | To not remember something | verb | 忘れる |
form | visible shape or style; type; kind | n | 形 |
formal | behaving well/politely; wearing your best clothes | adj | 正装の |
format | form, design, or arrangement of something | n | 体裁;形式 |
formation | process of creating, or making into a particular shape | n | 形成 |
former | being something previously, but not now | det | 前の,前者 |
formula | plan, rule or method for doing or making something | n | 方法 |
forth | Outward forward | adv | 前へ;外へ |
fortunate | Having good luck | adj | 幸運な |
fortune | Chance or luck, particularly good luck | n | 運;運勢 |
forty | 40 | num | 40 |
forward | Toward what is ahead or in front | adv | 前方の |
found | To discover something by looking for it | verb | 発見する |
foundation | underground base on which building is constructed | n | 土台 |
four | 4 | num | 4 |
fourteen | 14 | num | 14 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
fragment | part that is broken off of something | n | 破片 |
frame | Border of wood, metal, etc. in which a picture, door, pane of glass, etc. is enclosed or set | n | 枠組み;骨組み,組み立てる |
framework | basic structure of something | n | 構成;構想 |
free | Costing no money | adj | 無料の |
freedom | state of being free, not being controlled | n | 自由 |
freeze | To harden to a solid below zero degrees | verb | 凍る |
frequency | How often something happens | n | 頻度 |
frequent | Happening often | adj | 頻繁な |
frequently | Often; regularly | adv | 頻繁に |
fresh | Newly made or gathered | adj | 新しい |
friday | firth day of the week; the day after Thursday | n | 金曜日 |
friend | person who you like and enjoy being with | n | 友だち |
friendly | Acting like a friend; kind and helpful | adv | 友好的な |
friendship | feeling of liking someone; good relationship | n | 友情 |
frighten | To make someone afraid or nervous | verb | 怖がらせる |
from | Starting at a particular place, time or level | prep | ~から;~出身の |
front | Opposite of back; the forward part of an object | adj | 前面 |
fruit | food that grows on a tree or bush | n | 果物 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
fuel | material used to produce heat or power when burned | n | 燃料 |
fulfill | To do something that was promised or required | verb | 満たす;果たす |
full | Containing or holding as much as possible | adj | いっぱいの;満ちた |
fully | Completely or entirely | adv | 完全に;十分に |
fun | amusing and enjoyable | adj | 楽しい |
function | what something is intended to be used for; purpose | n | 機能 |
functional | useful; not just for decoration | adj | 機能的な |
fund | To supply money for something | n | 資金を出す |
fundamental | Forming a necessary part, base, or core | adj | 基本的な |
funny | Causing laughter; amusing | adj | おかしい;妙な |
furniture | items such as tables, chairs, beds or closets | n | 家具 |
further | extra; in addition | adj | さらに先へ;さらにまた |
furthermore | In addition to what has been said | adv | さらに |
future | Time that is to come after the present | n | 未来 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
gain | To get something wanted, needed or valued | verb | 得る |
gallery | place to look at various types of art | n | 画廊 |
game | Activity with rules that people play to have fun | n | ゲーム |
gap | distance between two objects | n | すきま;相違 |
garden | yard; ground outside your house to grow plants | n | 庭 |
gas | the elements in our air, like oxygen or nitrogen | n | ガス;気体 |
gate | place in a fence which can be opened or closed | n | ゲート;門 |
gather | To bring people/animals together into a group | verb | 集会を開く |
gay | person attracted to someone of the same sex | n | 同性愛者 |
gaze | direction you are looking | n | 凝視 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
gear | the transmission configuration in a vehicle | n | 車のギア |
gender | state of being male or female | n | 性別 |
gene | part of cell in a that controls the development and appearance of a living thing | n | 遺伝子 |
general | Widespread, normal or usual | adj | 一般的な;全般的な |
generally | Usually; as a rule; by, to or for most people | adv | 一般に |
generate | To create or be produced or bring into existence | verb | 生み出す |
generation | People born and living at about the same time | n | 世代 |
genetic | Concerning GENES or the scientific study of how a living thing's appearance, growth, and development are determined and transferred between generations | adj | 遺伝の |
gentle | kind and quiet in nature; not harsh or violent | adj | 優しい;穏やかな |
gentleman | man who has good manners and is considerate | n | 紳士 |
gently | In a mild, careful, and soft manner | adv | 優しく;穏やかに |
genuine | Being real, actual, and not false or artificial | adj | 本物の |
gesture | bodily movement that expresses a particular meaning, idea, or emotion | n | 身振り;ジェスチャー |
get | To obtain, receive or be given something | verb | 得る;受ける |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
giant | Extremely big, or much bigger than other things | adj | 巨大な |
gift | Something given to another for a reason; present | n | 贈り物;才能 |
girl | A female child; a young woman | n | 女の子 |
give | To hand over or present something to someone | verb | 手渡す |
glad | happy that something happened; pleased | adj | うれしい |
glance | quick or temporary look | n | ちらりと見ること |
glass | hard transparent material used for making windows | n | ガラス |
global | Concerning, affecting, or involving the entire world | adj | 世界的な |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
go | To move or travel to another place | verb | 行く |
goal | Something you try to do or achieve; an aim | n | 目的;目標 |
god | religion supernatural being with special powers | n | 神 |
gold | soft yellow metal that is very valuable | n | 金 |
golden | Made of gold | adj | 黄金の |
golf | game played to hit a ball into a hole with a stick | n | ゴルフ |
good | excellent; high quality | adj | 良い |
govern | To officially control and lead, conduct the policy, make decisions | verb | 統治する;影響を与える |
government | group of people and system which rule a nation | n | 政府 |
governor | person who leads a state or province | n | 知事 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
grab | To quickly reach out and take something in your hand. | verb | つかみ取る |
grade | level of study that is completed by a student | n | 学年 |
gradually | Occurring in a slow manner over a period of time | adv | 徐々に |
graduate | Concerning university courses taken after receiving a four-year degree | adj | 卒業する,卒業生,大学院の |
grain | seeds of plants used for food | n | 粒;穀物 |
grammar | rules explaining how words are used in a language | n | 文法 |
grand | Including many things ; very large | adj | 壮大な |
grant | To give or let someone do what they want | verb | (願い・要求などを)聞き入れる;付与する |
grass | Plants with narrow green leaves, grown on lawns | n | 草 |
grateful | Feeling or showing thanks; thankful | adj | 感謝している |
gray | Color between black and white (also spelled grey) | adj | 灰色の |
great | Very good; fantastic; wonderful | adj | すばらしい |
greatly | an extraordinary extent or degree | adv | 非常に |
green | the color of young leaves | n | 緑色 |
greet | To meet someone with friendly words and actions ; to welcome | verb | 挨拶する;出迎える |
grin | To show the teeth because you are amused ; smile | verb | ニヤリと笑う |
ground | solid surface of the earth that we stand on | verb | 地面;土 |
group | number of people or things gathered together | n | グループ;集団 |
grow | To develop and become bigger or taller over time | verb | 成長する |
growth | act of growing | n | 成長;増殖;腫瘍 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
guarantee | To make a formal promise that something will happen or be done. | verb | 保証,保証する |
guard | to keep watch over something to protect it e.g. a bank | verb | 守る;見張る,警備 |
guess | to give an answer without knowing if it is correct | verb | 推測する |
guest | person invited to visit or stay in someone's home | n | 客;ゲスト |
guide | To lead people visiting a new or unknown place | verb | 案内する;指導する,案内者;指導者 |
guideline | rule, instruction or principle | n | 指針 |
guilty | Responsible for a wrongdoing or an offense | adj | 有罪の |
guitar | stringed musical instrument played with the fingers | n | ギター |
gun | weapon in which bullets are fired down a metal tube | n | 銃 |
guy | informal man; boy; any person | n | 男;やつ |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
habit | usual way of behaving ; something often repeated | n | 習慣 |
hair | long thin strands on your head or body | n | 髪;毛 |
half | the part you get when one is divided into two; ½ | n | 半分 |
hall | area inside the entrance of a house | n | ホール;会場 |
hand | body part at the end of a person's arm | n | 手 |
handle | To have the ability to cope with or take responsibility for | verb | 扱う |
hang | To attach a picture, photograph etc onto a wall | verb | かける;吊るす |
happen | To take place or occur | verb | 起こる;たまたま~する |
happiness | state of feeling pleased; feeling of satisfaction | n | 幸福;喜び;適切さ |
happy | Feeling pleasure or joy; glad | adj | 幸せ;嬉しい |
harbor | area of water protected by land and used by ships | n | 港 |
hard | difficult to bend, break or cut; solid | adj | かたい |
hardly | Clearly or undoubtedly not; very little | adv | ほとんど~ない |
harm | To injure, damage, or cause problems due to something you do | verb | 損害,害する |
hat | item of clothing worn on your head | n | 帽子 |
hate | to have a very strong feeling of dislike for | verb | 憎む;ひどく嫌う |
have | To own, possess, or hold something | aux | 持っている |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
he | Object form of a male person you are talking about | pron | 彼 |
head | top part of your body with eyes and a mouth | n | 頭 |
health | (person, company) being in a good condition; being well | n | 健康 |
healthy | in good condition physically (or financially); not ill or bad | adj | 健康な |
hear | To be aware of sound; to perceive with the ear | verb | 聞く;聞こえる |
heart | the part of the body that pumps blood | n | 心臓 |
heat | To make hot or hotter | verb | 熱,熱くする;興奮する |
heavily | a lot or to a great degree | adv | 重く |
heavy | Having a lot of weight | adj | 重い |
height | distance of something from the bottom to the top | n | 高さ |
hell | Any place of pain and suffering | n | 地獄 |
hello | What you say when you meet someone | itj | こんにちは |
help | To act to enable a person to do something; assist | verb | 助ける |
helpful | Doing things that help someone | adj | 役立つ |
hence | From now, later than the present time | adv | それ故 |
her | (Subject form of a female you are talking about) | pron | 彼女の;彼女を |
here | In this place; at this location, position or time | adv | ここに |
hero | person of great courage and strength who saves others | n | 英雄 |
herself | female person that did the original action | pron | 彼女自身 |
hesitate | To stop before doing something because you are unsure what to do | verb | ためらう |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
hi | What you say when you meet someone | itj | やあ;こんにちは |
hide | to put a thing where it can't be found; go where you won't be found | verb | 隠す |
high | Rising upward a great distance | adj | 高い |
highlight | best or most interesting part of something | n | 見所;ハイライト,強調する |
highly | more than usual; to a great degree | adv | 非常に |
hill | High land not as high as a mountain | n | 丘 |
him | Subject form of a male person you are talking about | pron | 彼を |
himself | the same (male) person who did the action | pron | 彼自身 |
hint | To indicate what you think, feel, know without saying it directly | verb | ほのめかす,ヒント |
hire | To employ a person to do a particular job or borrow something | verb | 雇う |
his | Something belonging to a male person | pron | 彼の;彼のもの |
historian | Someone who studies or writes about the course of history | n | 歴史家 |
historic | Belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past | adj | 歴史的な |
historical | Connected with the past | adj | 歴史的な |
history | study of past event | n | 歴史 |
hit | To fight, attack or damage something or someone | verb | 打つ;たたく |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
hold | To use hands or arms to carry or keep something | verb | 持つ;抱く |
holder | person who owns or has received something | n | 所有者 |
hole | opening into or through something | n | 穴 |
holiday | day when people don't go to work or school | n | 休日;祝日 |
home | place where a person or a family lives | n | 家庭;自宅 |
honest | Good, truthful, sincere, or faithful; trustworthy | adj | 正直 |
honor | Respect given to someone who is admired | n | 名誉 |
hook | curved or bent tool | n | フック,フックで吊るす |
hope | when you wish something would happen; what you wish | n | 希望 |
hopefully | in a manner wishing something to happen | adv | 願わくは;うまくいけば |
horrible | Very unpleasant | adj | 恐ろしい |
horse | large animal with 4 legs used for riding | n | 馬 |
hospital | building for sick people, with doctors and nurses | n | 病院 |
host | person who is entertains guests | n | 主人,開催する |
hot | Having a high temperature | adj | 熱い;暑い |
hotel | place where people can stay when travelling | n | ホテル |
hour | 60 minutes | n | 時間 |
house | building in which a family, person lives | n | 家 |
household | Concerning a house | n | 家庭 ; 世帯 |
how | (used to explain the way to do something) | adv | どのように |
however | (used to introduce a counter statement to what has been said) | conj | しかしながら;どんなに~でも;一体どうやって |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
huge | Very very large | adj | 巨大な |
human | a person; a man, woman or child | n | 人間 |
humor | quality that makes something funny | n | ユーモア |
hundred | 100 | num | 100 |
hunger | need for food; a severe lack of food | n | 飢え |
hunt | To search for wild animals to kill (for food) | verb | 狩る,狩り |
hurry | To move/act quickly to get somewhere/do something | verb | 急ぐ,急ぐこと |
hurt | To cause pain, damage or injury | verb | 痛む;傷つける |
husband | married man | n | 夫 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
hypothesis | idea that leads to further study or discussion | n pl. | 仮説 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ice | frozen gas or liquid, esp. water | n | 氷 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
idea | belief, thought, suggestion, opinion or plan | n | 考え;アイデア |
Ideal | which is thought of as being perfect | adj | 理想 |
identify | To indicate who or what someone or something is | verb | 確認する;同一視する |
identity | collection of qualities that makes a person | n | アイデンティティ;独自性;身元 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
if | Introducing a condition for something to happen | conj | もし~なら;~かどうか |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ignore | To not listen to, look at, or pay attention to | verb | 無視する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ill | Not well or sick | adj | 病気で,悪く |
illegal | Not allowed by the laws or rules | adj | 違法の |
illness | unhealthy condition of the mind or body | n | 病気 |
illustrate | To explain with examples to make easier to understand | verb | 説明する |
illustration | picture that helps explain something | n | 挿絵;図解 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
image | picture, sculpture or painting of something | n | イメージ;画像 |
imagination | ability to think of new ideas; creation of mental images | n | 想像力 |
imagine | to think creatively about; form mental picture of | verb | 想像する |
immediate | done without delay; straight away | adj | 即時の;直近の |
immediately | without any delay; straight away; right (after or before) | adv | すぐに |
immigrant | person moving to another country to live there | n | 移民 |
implement | tool | n | 実行する |
implementation | act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect | n | 履行;実施 |
implication | possible effects or results from an action or event | n | 含意 |
imply | to suggest something, without saying it directly | verb | 暗に意味する |
import | To bring Items or GOODS from one country into another | verb | 輸入する,輸入 |
importance | being important; having a big effect on | n | 重要性 |
important | having a big effect on (person, the future) | adj | 重要な |
impose | To make someone to do or endure something | verb | 課す;強いる |
impossible | very unlikely to happen or exist | adj | 不可能な |
impress | To make an emotional or cognitive impact upon | verb | よい印象を与える |
impression | effect or feeling resulting from an experience | n | 印象 |
impressive | Causing admiration or respect; big, grand, expensive etc | adj | 印象的な |
improve | To make, or become, something better | verb | 改善する |
improvement | addition or change that makes something better | n | 改善 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
in | Being inside something | adj | 〜の中の |
incentive | Something that encourages a person to work hard | n | 刺激;動因 |
inch | 1/12 of a foot (2.54 centimeters) | n | インチ |
incident | event, usually unusual or important | n | 事件 |
include | to make someone/something part of a group | verb | 含む |
income | Earned money from work, investments or business | n | 収入 |
incorporate | To include or involve as part of something else | verb | 合併する;組み込む;法人組織化する |
increase | to make or become something larger in size or amount | verb | 増える;増加させる |
increasingly | more and more; in greater degree or amount | adv | ますます |
indeed | actually; in fact; in reality | adv | 確かに |
independence | having the freedom to make your own decisions | n | 独立 |
independent | making your own decisions; not controlled by others | adj | 独立した |
index | written or printed (usually alphabetical) list | n | 索引;目録;指針 |
indicate | To show something, direct attention to or point out | verb | 指し示す |
indication | Something that signals that something else exists or will happen | n | 表示;兆候 |
individual | single person, looked at separately from others | n | 個人,個人の |
industrial | Concerning industry or people involved in industry | adj | 産業の |
industry | Factories or businesses that make certain products | n | 産業 |
infant | child in the beginning stage of life; a baby | n | 幼児 |
infection | act or state of becoming INFECTED with a disease | n | 感染症 |
inflation | continual rise in the prices of products | n | インフレーション ;膨張 |
influence | to affect what happens; change something (indirectly) | verb | 影響を与える,影響 |
inform | To give information or facts about something | verb | 知らせる |
information | collection of facts and details about something | n | 情報 |
initial | Existing or occurring at the beginning | adj | 最初の,頭文字 |
initially | At first; originally | adv | 初めは |
initiative | ability to decide or act upon things yourself without depending on someone else | n | 構想;戦略 |
injure | Do physical harm or damage | verb | 傷つける |
injury | Physical or emotional harm or damage that a person experiences | n | 傷害 |
inner | Concerning the inside part of something | adj | 内側の |
innocent | Free from evil or guilt | adj | 無邪気な;無罪の |
innovation | new invention or idea that is created | n | 革新 |
input | To put in information, advice or opinions | verb | 入力;インプット |
inquiry | request for information | n | 問い合わせ;質問;調査 |
inside | being in something | adj | 内部;内側;内情,内側の,内側に |
insight | very good understanding of something a clear idea about how something works | n | 洞察 |
insist | To strongly state your opinion without changing it | verb | 主張する |
inspire | To make someone have the desire to do something | verb | 刺激を与える;触発する |
install | To set up a piece of EQUIPMENT so that it is ready to use | verb | 導入する;設置する;インストールする |
instance | an example of something; case | n | 例;実例 |
instead | When one thing is replaced by another | adv | その代わりに |
institution | organization created for a particular cause or purpose | n | 機関; 施設 |
institutional | Being related or similar to an institution | adj | 制度の |
instruction | information about how to do or use something | n | 指示;教育 |
instrument | device that is used for creating music | n | 楽器 |
insurance | Payments to cover potential loss/damage/injury/death | n | 保険 |
insure | to buy protection against possible loss/damage/injury | verb | 保険をかける;確実にする |
integrate | to combine together; make into one thing | verb | 統合する |
intellectual | person who uses the mind intelligently | n | 知的な |
intelligence | ability to learn things or to consider situations | n | 知能 |
intend | To plan or want to do something | verb | ~するつもりである |
intense | Very strong, great or extreme in degree | adj | 激しい |
intention | aim or purpose | n | 意図 |
interaction | process of two or more people or things affecting each other; the process of INTERACTING | n | 相互作用;交流 |
interest | to make someone want to know about something | verb | 興味を持たせる |
interior | Being the inside part of something; being inside something | adj | 内部;室内;インテリア |
internal | Within or inside | adj | 内部の |
international | done or relating to several countries, not just your own | adj | 国際的な |
interpret | to translate what is said into another language | verb | 通訳する |
interpretation | explanation of the meaning of something | n | 解釈 |
intervention | act of coming between two or more parties in a situation or disagreement to try to change the result | n | 介入;仲裁 |
interview | To formally ask questions about a given topic | verb | 面接;インタビュー |
into | Going inside something | prep | ~の中へ |
introduce | to make someone known to another by name | verb | 紹介する |
introduction | making someone known to another by name | n | 紹介 |
invent | To create something useful for the first time | verb | 発明する |
invest | To use resources to build for the future | verb | 投資する |
investigate | To try to find out facts; to carry out research | verb | 調査する |
investigation | search for information about something | n | 調査 |
investment | something purchased hoping its value will increase | n | 投資 |
investor | person who spends money to help business grow | n | 投資家 |
invitation | when someone asks another to attend an event, etc | n | 招待 |
invite | To ask someone to go somewhere or do something | verb | 招待する;勧める |
involve | To have or be included as a part of something | verb | 含む;関わる;巻き込む |
involvement | act or process of joining in a particular activity | n | 関与 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
iron | hot heavy metal object used to smoothen clothes | n | アイロン,アイロンをかける |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
island | area of land that is surrounded by water | n | 島 |
isolate | To keep in a place or situation apart from others | verb | 隔離する;孤立させる |
issue | important topic discussed, debated or argued over | n | 問題;論争点 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
it | A thing that has been previously mentioned | pron | (先行するものを指して)それ |
item | distinct, individual thing, often part of a group | n | 事項;項目 |
its | of something; belonging or related to something | adj | それの |
itself | Referring to it | pron | それ自体 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
jacket | light, thin coat worn on the upper body over another shirt or piece of clothing for protection or warmth | n | ジャケット;カバー |
jail | place to hold criminals being punished for a crime | n | 刑務所 |
january | 1st month of the year | n | 1月 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
job | regular work of earning money | n | 仕事 |
join | To bring something close to another, to become one | verb | 加わる;つなぎ合わせる |
joint | point at which two things meet (e.g. a road) | n | 継ぎ目 |
joke | To say or do things that are meant to be funny | verb | 冗談,冗談を言う |
journal | book in which brief daily accounts of events are written | n | 新聞;雑誌;定期刊行物 |
journalist | person who writes news reports for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio | n | ジャーナリスト |
journey | act of traveling from one place to another ; trip | n | 旅 |
joy | feeling of great happiness and pleasure | n | 喜び |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
judge | To form an opinion after careful consideration | verb | 審理する;審査する;判断する |
judgment | opinion that is made after careful consideration | n | 判断;判決 |
july | 7th month of the year | n | 7月 |
jump | To push your body into the air with your legs | verb | 跳ぶ;跳ね上がる |
june | 6th month of the year | n | 6月 |
jury | group of 12 citizens who listen to information about the problem or crime, receive instructions from the judge, and decide the guilt or innocence of the person on trial | n | 陪審;審査員 |
just | just when, just as exactly at the time of | adv | 正確に |
justice | quality of being fair, equal, or just | n | 公正 |
justify | To give reasons why you did something or why it is right | verb | 正当化する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
keen | Being eager or excited for something to happen | adj | 鋭い |
keep | To have and continue to hold something | verb | 保つ |
key | Something you use to open a lock or start a car | n | かぎ,重要な |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
kick | hit using the foot | n | 蹴る |
kid | informal child or young person | n | 子ども,冗談を言う |
kill | To end the life of a person or other living thing | verb | 殺す |
kind | One type of thing | n | 種類 |
king | royal male ruler of a country (inherited from family) | n | 王 |
kiss | To put your lips against another’s to show love | verb | キスをする,キス |
kitchen | place where food is cooked | n | 台所 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
knee | Middle part of your leg that bends | n | 膝 |
knife | long piece of metal you use for cutting things | n | ナイフ;刀 |
knock | To hit something to get people's attention | verb | ノックする |
know | to have knowledge of things in your mind | verb | 知っている |
knowledge | Information, understanding, or skill | n | 知識 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
label | a piece of paper or material to identify something | n | ラベル,ラベルをつける;名前をつける |
labor | To work hard (often physically) for many hours | verb | 労働,働く;詳細に論じる |
laboratory | workplace for the conduct of scientific research | n | 研究室 |
lack | to not have, or not have enough, of something | verb | 不足,欠いている |
lady | another way of saying ‘woman’ | n | 女性;婦人 |
lake | large area of water surrounded by land | n | 湖 |
land | the earth; the ground | n | 陸;土地 |
landscape | natural scenery of a place | n | 風景 |
language | words or signs used to communicate messages | n | 言語 |
large | Big; of great size; broad, tall, wide, long, or fat | adj | 大きい;広い |
largely | In large part; mainly or chiefly | adv | 主として;大部分は |
last | the one before | n | 最後の |
late | Happening near the end of a given time | adj | 遅い |
latter | the second or last mentioned thing | det | 後の,後者 |
laugh | To make a happy sound when something is funny | verb | 笑う,笑い |
laughter | action or sound of laughing | n | 笑い |
launch | to put a rocket into the air; put a ship into the water | verb | 始める;発射する |
law | system or rules made by the government | n | 法律;法則 |
lawyer | professional who helps people with the law | n | 弁護士 |
lay | To put or set something down in a flat position | verb | 置く;横たえる |
layer | one of several sheets of a material or object | n | 層 |
lazy | not liking to work or make an effort; idle | adj | 怠惰な |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
lead | to show the way or guide others | verb | 導く |
leader | person who is in charge of a group or task | n | リーダー |
leadership | quality of being able to guide or influence others | n | リーダーシップ |
league | association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members | n | 同盟;リーグ |
lean | To balance against or on something for support | verb | 傾く;もたれる |
leap | To move forwards often in big steps | verb | 飛び跳ねる,跳躍 |
learn | to get knowledge or skills by study or experience | verb | 学ぶ |
least | In the smallest or lowest way | adv | 最も小さい;最も少ない,最も小さい;最も少ない |
leather | chemically tanned animal skin, e.g. for shoes | n | 革;革製品 |
leave | to go away from; depart | verb | 去る |
lecture | talk or speech about a particular subject | n | 講演する,講演 |
left | side of your body your heart is on | n | 左 |
leg | Part of the body from the thigh down | n | 脚 |
legal | Concerning the law; allowed by law | adj | 合法的な;法的な |
legislation | act or process of writing and passing laws | n | 法律制定 |
lend | to give to someone for a while before it is returned | verb | 貸す |
length | measurement of distance or of time | n | 長さ |
less | smaller in amount or degree | adj | より少ない,~差し引いて |
lesson | something done to learn or teach something; class | n | 授業;課 |
let | to not stop someone from doing something | verb | ~させる;許可する |
letter | message you put in an envelope and send by post | n | 手紙 |
level | To make things flat or even | verb | 同等の,平等にする |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
liability | something that is owed to someone else, e.g. a debt | n | 責任;負債 |
liberal | Believing government should actively support social needs | adj | 自由主義の |
library | place where books and other media are kept | n | 図書館 |
license | official certificate which grants a person permission to do or have something | n | 免許 |
lie | To say something that you know is not true | verb | 嘘,嘘をつく |
life | All the living things e.g. animals, plants, humans | n | 生命;人生;生活 |
lift | To move something to higher position | verb | 持ち上げる |
light | Not heavy; weighing only a little | adj | 軽い |
like | To find something pleasing; to prefer something | verb | 好む |
likely | referring to the chance that something will actually happen | adj | ありそうな;~しそうである;適した |
limit | point beyond which it is not possible to go | n | 限度;境界,制限する |
limitation | act of controlling or reducing the size of something | n | 制限;限界 |
line | mark that is long, straight and very thin | n | 線,並ぶ;線を引く;覆い隠す |
link | To join or connect together | verb | つなぐ;連結する,輪 |
lip | top and bottom part of the outside of person's mouth | n | 唇 |
liquid | basic state of things that is similar to water; not solid or gas | n | 液体 |
list | series of written names, words or numbers | n | 表;リスト |
listen | To use your ears to hear and understand things | verb | 聞く |
listener | Someone who listens | n | 聞き手 |
literally | In a way that expresses the exact or LITERAL meaning of something | adv | 文字通り |
literary | Concerning or concerned with literature | adj | 文学の |
literature | Writings that are valued as works of art, esp. fiction, drama and poetry | n | 文学;文献 |
little | not great in size, amount, or degree; small | adj | 小さい |
live | To be alive | verb | 生きる |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
load | large, often heavy, amount of something to be moved | n | 重荷;負荷,積み込む |
loan | To borrow money that must be paid back | verb | 貸す,貸付 |
local | Relating or restricted to a particular area, city, or town | adj | 地元の;局部の,地元の人;局部 |
locate | To find a certain place, location, or destination | verb | 捜し出す;置く;位置する |
location | particular position or area | n | 場所 |
lock | To use a key/code so others can’t open something | verb | 錠やロック、鍵をかける |
log | piece of a tree that has fallen or been cut | n | 丸太 |
logic | proper, valid sensible reasoning | n | 論理 |
long | large distance from one end to the other | adj | 長い |
look at | to use your eyes to focus on something | vphr | 見る,見ること |
loose | Not tightly attached or held | adj | ゆるい;自由な |
lose | to be unable to find something you once had | verb | 失う |
loss | experience or state of failing to have or keep | n | 失うこと;損害 |
lot | a lot (of) many or much of | n | たくさん |
loud | Making a lot of noise | adj | 音が大きい;うるさい;派手な |
love | To care for and like someone very strong and deeply | verb | 愛する,愛 |
lovely | Attractive or beautiful | adj | 素敵な;愛らしい |
lover | person who loves someone or is loved by someone | n | 恋人;愛好家 |
low | not high; being near the ground, or bottom | adj | 低い |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
luck | accidental way things happen, often good things | n | 運 |
lucky | fortunate; having good things happen by chance | adj | 運のよい |
lunch | light meal eaten in the middle of the day | n | 昼食 |
luxury | Something expensive or costly that is not needed which is bought for pleasure | n | 豪華さ;贅沢品 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
machine | piece of equipment used to do work | n | 機械 |
mad | Very angry | adj | 怒った |
magazine | weekly or monthly publication with pictures and stories | n | 雑誌 |
magic | Any art that invokes supernatural powers | n | 手品;魔法 |
a letter, package or email | n | 郵便;メール | |
main | Most important; most often used | adj | 主要な |
mainly | mostly; usually; being the largest part | adv | 主に |
maintain | To keep, exist or continue without changing | verb | 維持する;持続する |
maintenance | keeping (a machine) working by checking and fixing it | n | 維持;整備 |
major | Important, serious, or large in scope | adj | 主要な;重要な |
majority | amount that is more than half of a group | n | 大多数 |
make | to create something by putting things together | verb | 作る |
maker | person, company, or object that creates things | n | 作る人;メーカー |
male | Characteristic of boys or men | adj | 男性 |
man | An adult male human being | n | 男 |
manage | To run or operate a business by directing others | verb | 経営する;管理する |
management | people who are in control of a business or group | n | 管理;経営 |
manager | person who controls and runs a business or group | n | 経営者;~長;マネージャー |
manner | That way that something happens or is done | n | 方法 |
manufacture | to produce large numbers of products in a factory | verb | 製造,製造する |
manufacturer | group or company that makes a certain product | n | 製造業者;メーカー |
many | Used to refer a large number of things | det | 多くの,多数 |
map | picture showing the geography of an area | n | 地図 |
margin | edge or border of a page on above, below | n | 余白;縁;限界;利益 |
mark | To make or leave a visible sign on something; a writing symbol | verb | 印;記号;評価,印を付ける;成績を付ける |
market | public event where people sell goods on tables | n | 市場;マーケット |
marriage | formal relationship between a husband and a wife | n | 結婚 |
marry | To become the husband or wife of someone | verb | 結婚する |
mass | Having to do with a large amount of people | n | 質量 |
massive | Very big large too big | adj | 巨大な;大量の |
master | being very skilled at doing something | adj | 上達な,熟練な |
match | a sports competition between two people or teams | n | 試合 |
mate | Someone who you work, live, or go to school with | n | 仲間 |
material | substance from which a thing is made of | n | 材料,物質 |
mathematics | study or science of numbers and shapes | n pl. | 数学 |
matter | problem or reason for concern | n | 事柄;問題;原因 |
mature | Being an adult, being fully developed physically | adj | 成熟した |
maximum | largest or greatest | n | 最大 |
may | expresses permission, possibility or probability | aux | 〜してもよい;~かもしれない;~であろう |
maybe | Possibly but not certainly; perhaps | adv | もしかすると;たぶん |
mayor | head of city government | n | 市長 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
me | Object form of the person now speaking or writing | pron | 私を |
meal | food for eating at a particular time, e.g. dinner | n | 食事 |
Mean | To have a particular meaning or value | verb | 意味する;価値のある |
meanwhile | At or during the same time ; in the meantime | adv | その間に;一方では |
measure | To calculate size, weight or temperature of | verb | 測る;寸法をとる |
measurement | size or amount of something or someone | n | 測定 |
meat | flesh of a dead animal that you eat | n | 肉; |
mechanism | piece of machinery | n | 機構;メカニズム |
medical | of or relating to physical health or medicine | adj | 医療の |
medicine | a substance used in treating illness or pain | n | 薬 |
medium | middle size, something between other things | n | 中間;媒体;手段;マスコミ機関 |
meet | To come together at a certain time or place | verb | 会合する |
member | person or thing belonging to a group or team | n | 一員;メンバー |
membership | being a member of a group; joining a group | n | 会員;メンバーシップ |
memory | Something that has been remembered | n | 記憶 |
mental | Concerning the mind | adj | 精神の |
mention | To refer to or talk or write about something | verb | 述べる;話に出す,言及する |
menu | list of dishes available at a restaurant | n | メニュー |
mere | Just enough | adj | 単なる |
merely | Only, simply, or nothing more than | adv | 単に |
mess | state of confusion and disorderliness | n | 混乱,散らかす;混乱させる |
message | piece of information that is told/given to someone | n | メッセージ;伝言 |
metal | Usually hard shiny material mined from rock | n | 金属 |
meter | unit of length equal to 100cm or about 39 inches | n | メートル |
method | (organized and planned) way of doing something | n | 方法 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
middle | place that is halfway between two things | n | 中心;中間,真ん中の;中央の |
might | used to express that something could happen | aux | ~かもしれない;~してもよい |
mile | unit of distance; 1.6 kilometers | n | マイル |
military | Concerning soldiers or the armed forces | n | 軍隊,軍の |
milk | white liquid produced by females to feed babies | n | 乳 |
million | 1,000,000 | num | 百万 |
mind | part of humans that allows us to think or feel | n | 心;精神 |
mine | That thing that belongs to me | pron | 私のもの |
minimum | lowest number or amount that is possible | n | 最小限 |
minister | an official who heads a government department | n | 大臣 |
minor | Not so large in size, not important or valuable | adj | 小さい;少ない;重要でない |
minority | part that is less than half of the whole; a small part | n | 少数派 |
minute | unit of time equal to 60 seconds | n | 分; |
mirror | thing with a glass surface used to look at yourself | n | 鏡 |
miss | to be too late to ride on something e.g. train or bus | verb | 逃す;~し損なう |
mission | a special assignment that is given to a person or group | n | 任務 |
mistake | something done wrong, calculated wrong, etc; error | n | 間違い |
mix | To combine two or more things to make one | verb | 混ぜる |
mixture | Something made by combining two or more things | n | 混合 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
mobile | Capable of moving from one place to another | adj | 携帯電話 |
mode | way of acting or doing something | n | 状態;方法 |
model | To make a small scale copy of a full original | adj | 模型を作る,模範となる |
moderate | Average in size or amount | adj | 適度の |
modern | of the present time; up to date; contemporary | adj | 現代の |
modify | To make minor change to something | verb | 変更する |
module | part or unit with a specific job | n | モジュール |
moment | very short or brief period of time | n | 瞬間 |
monday | second day of the week; the day after Sunday | n | 月曜日 |
money | Coins or notes we use to pay for things | n | お金;金銭;財産 |
monitor | electronic screen on which you can see images | n | モニター |
month | one of 12 28-31 day periods in the year | n | 月 |
monthly | Occurring about once every 4 weeks | adv | 毎月に |
mood | emotion or a state of mind; how you feel | n | 気分;ムード |
moon | round object circling the Earth at night | n | 月 |
moral | in a way considered proper and good by most people | adj | 道徳;モラル |
more | Greater in amount, number, or size | adj | より多くの, もっと |
moreover | In addition to what has been said | adv | さらに |
morning | early part of the day before 12 pm | n | 朝;午前 |
mortgage | long-term loan from a bank for buying property | n | 抵当;住宅ローン |
most | nearly all of something | pron | 最も多くの;たいていの,最も |
mostly | In large part; mainly or chiefly | adv | 主に;ほとんど |
motion | a movement; the process of moving | n | 動き |
motivate | to make someone enthusiastic about doing something | verb | やる気にさせる |
motivation | mental drive in a person that makes him or her do something | n | 動機;モチベーション |
motor | concerning cars and vehicles | adj | 自動車の,動力を起こす |
mount | To attach to a support | verb | 登る;乗る;取り付ける |
mountain | very high piece of land, higher than a hill | n | 山 |
mouse | small animal that has fur and a long tail | n | ネズミ |
mouth | part of the face used for eating and talking | n | 口,言う |
move | to cause something to change to a different place | verb | 動かす;移動する |
movement | part of a piece of music | n | 楽章 |
movie | motion picture; film | n | 映画 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
much | a lot; large amount; a high degree of | pron | たくさんの,非常に;だいたい |
multiple | Having or involving more than one of something | adj | 複数の |
murder | crime of deliberately killing a person | n | 殺人,殺す |
muscle | One of the contractile soft organs of the body | n | 筋肉 |
museum | building to display art, science, or history objects | n | 博物館 |
music | sounds that are sung or played to give pleasure | n | 音楽 |
musical | play or movie set to music | n | ミュージカル |
musician | person who writes, sings, or plays music, as a job | n | 音楽家;ミュージシャン |
must | (used to say that something is required or necessary) | aux | 〜しなければならない;〜に違いない |
mutual | Shared between two or more people | adj | 互いの; 交互の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
my | Of mine; belonging to me | det | 私の |
myself | the same person as did the action mentioned | pron | 私自身 |
mystery | book, play, or film that deals with a solution of a strange crime | n | 謎;ミステリー |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
name | What something or someone is called | n | 名前;評判;有名人,名前をつける |
narrative | the telling of a story | n | 物語 |
narrow | Not wide ; short from one side to the other | adj | 狭い |
nation | area or region controlled by a government and army | n | 国家 |
national | Concerning a nation as a whole | adj | 国立;国の |
native | person speaking a language from birth | n | ネイティブ;母語話者 |
natural | Not made by humans; without human intervention | adj | 自然の |
naturally | Without the aid of someone or something | adv | 自然に |
nature | physical world, including plants, animals, rocks | n | 自然 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
near | With a small distance between things | adj | 近い,近くに |
nearby | Close to where you are | adj | 近くの,近くに |
nearly | not completely; almost | adv | ほとんど |
necessarily | In a way that is needed or required, or is unavoidable | adv | 必ずしも |
necessary | Needed or required; unavoidable | adj | 必要な |
neck | part of the body joining the head and the body | n | 首 |
need | to be unable to manage without something; require | verb | 必要がある |
negative | Being harmful, unwanted or unhelpful | adj | 否定の;後ろ向きの,否定;拒否 |
neglect | To fail to take care of something | verb | 無視する;怠る |
negotiate | To have a formal discussion to reach an agreement | verb | 交渉する |
negotiation | a formal discussion to reach an agreement | n | 交渉 |
neighbor | person who lives, or is near, you | n | 隣人;近所の人 |
neighborhood | area of a town or city that people live in | n | 近所 |
neither | Not one or the other not either none of two things | adj | どちらも~ない |
nerve | fibers in the body that enable feeling and movement | n | 神経 |
nervous | Having a tendency to become uneasy or anxious | adj | 神経質な;緊張して |
net | crossed rope/fibers with partly open pattern | n | 網;ネット |
network | system of connections | n | ネットワーク;網 |
never | Not ever; not at any time | adv | 決して〜ない;〜したことがない; |
nevertheless | in spite of what has just been said; nonetheless | adv | それにもかかわらず |
new | Not old, recently born, built or made | adj | 新しい |
newly | Very recently; just done or made | adv | 新しく |
news | information about recent events | n pl. | 知らせ |
newspaper | Sheets of paper (or online) containing news stories | n | 新聞 |
next | immediately after the previous one | adj | 次の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
nice | Good or enjoyable | adj | よい;すてきな;親切な;立派な;微細な |
night | time when sun does not shine | n | 夜 |
nine | 9 | num | 9 |
nineteen | 19 | num | 19 |
ninety | 90 | num | 90 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
no | being none; not having or being | adj | いいえ,少しの~もない;決して~ない |
nobody | no person; no one; not any person | pron | 誰も~ない |
noise | Loud sounds that cause discomfort or annoyance | n | 音;騒音; 雑音 |
none | Not any of a group | pron | 何も~ない;誰も~ない |
nor | Used to show two things that are both untrue or do not happen | conj | ~もまた~でない |
normal | standard or regular way of doing something | adj | 標準の;正常な |
normally | In the manner that is usual or ordinary | adv | 普通は;正常に |
north | direction to your left when facing the rising sun | n | 北 |
northern | in or toward the north | adj | 北の |
nose | part of the face used for breathing and smelling | n | 鼻 |
not | (word indicating the negative of verbs, adjectives, etc) | adv | ~ではない |
note | To make mention of something; to make a remark | verb | 注意する;気づく |
nothing | Not anything, not a single thing | pron | 何も~ない |
notice | To become aware by sight, touch, or hearing | verb | 気づく |
notion | idea or opinion about doing something | n | 概念 |
noun | the subject or object of a sentence | n | 名詞 |
novel | written fiction story | n | 小説 |
november | 11th month of the year | n | 11月 |
now | At the present time or moment | adv | 今;すぐに;これから;さて;いまや~だから |
nowadays | At the present time; now | adv | 最近は |
nowhere | Not in or at any place; no place | adv | どこにも~ない |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
nuclear | Concerning or involving the center of an ATOM | adj | 核の;原子力の |
number | symbols such as 1, 2, 56, 793 | n | 数字;番号 |
numerous | Existing in large numbers | adj | 多くの |
nurse | person trained to care for sick or injured people | n | 看護師 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
object | to disagree; to protest against an idea or plan | verb | 反対する |
objective | something you decide you want to do; goal | n | 目標 |
obligation | duty that must be performed because of a law, rule, agreement, or promise | n | 義務 |
observation | remark or comment on something you noticed | n | 観察;監視 |
observe | to watch carefully; to make a comment | verb | 観察する |
obvious | Easily understood and clear; plain to see | adj | 明らかな |
obviously | in a way that is obvious/easy to see or understand | adv | 明らかに |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
occasion | time when something happens or takes place | n | 時;出来事;機会 |
occasionally | not very often; sometimes; seldom | adv | 時折に |
occupy | To fill a time, a space, or an area | verb | 占める |
occur | To come to pass or to happen | verb | 発生する |
ocean | large body of salt water that covers most of the surface of the earth | n | 海 |
october | 10th month of the year | n | 10月 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
odd | Being unexpected and different; out of the ordinary | adj | 奇妙な |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
of | Belonging to or connected with something | prep | ~の;~から;~について |
off | not having on; not wearing | adj | ~から離れて;休みの;停止して |
offense | criminal act; something that causes hurt | n | 犯罪;攻撃 |
offer | to give the opportunity to accept something | verb | 提供する;申し出る |
office | building of set of rooms used to do business or professional activities | n | 事務所;オフィス |
officer | person with an important position in an organization | n | 役人;将校 |
official | of or done by someone in authority; formal | adj | 公式な;公的な |
often | Many times, frequently, on many occasions | adv | しばしば |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
oil | thick, black liquid in the ground used as fuel | n | 油 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
okay | Yes; alright | itj | よし;わかった,まあまあ,承認する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
old | Having existed for a long time, not young or new | adj | 古い;年とった;昔の;~歳の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
on | Located on surface of something e.g. a table or wall | adj | ~の上にある |
once | One time; one instance | adv | 一度;昔の,いったん~すると |
one | number 1 | num | 一つ;人・もの |
online | connected to the internet | adj | オンラインの |
only | just one; just that amount or thing; not more than | adv | 唯一の;最良の,ただ~だけ;つい~,ただし;~だがしかし |
onto | Movement towards a certain direction, or into a certain area | prep | ~の上に;~に向けられて |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
open | Not closed or shut | adj | 開放された |
opera | play with music in which all the words are sung | n | オペラ |
operate | To be working or being used | verb | 作動する;操作する;作用する;経営する |
operation | Functioning; use | n | 作用;操作;事業 |
operator | person whose job it is to connect phone calls | n | 操作者;(電話の)交換手;経営者 |
opinion | a person's thoughts on a topic | n | 意見 |
opponent | person that you are competing against in a game or contest | n | 対戦相手;反対者 |
opportunity | time/situation when a thing might be done; chance | n | 機会 |
oppose | To fight against someone in a contest, game or fight | verb | 反対する |
opposite | Across from or on the side facing something | adj | 反対側の |
opposition | act of disagreeing or trying to stop something | n | 反対 |
option | possibility out of several that can be chosen; choice | n | 選択 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
or | Used to link alternatives, to introduce another choice | conj | あるいは;すなわち;そうでなければ |
orange | being a color that is a mixture of red and yellow | adj | オレンジ色 |
order | to ask for something you want to buy, e.g. a meal | verb | 注文,注文する |
ordinary | Normal or usual | adj | 普通の |
organic | Concerning food made with few or no chemicals | adj | 有機体の;オーガニック |
organization | formal group of people with a particular purpose | n | 組織 |
organize | To arrange and plan things, e.g. a party | verb | 組織する;まとめる;計画する |
origin | point at which something begins or is created | n | 起源 |
original | being first made, thought or performed; fresh | adj | 最初の;原始的な;独創的な,原物 |
originally | At first; in the beginning | adv | もともと |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
other | (something) else; not the first (one) | det | もう一方の;別の;他の,もう一方の人・物;別の人・物;その他 |
otherwise | indicates that there will be a bad result if something is done, not done, or done improperly | adv | さもなければ;別のやり方で,他の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ought | what is expected; should | aux | ~するべきである;~するはずである |
our | Belonging to us | det | 私たちの |
ourselves | Used by a speaker to show that they and one or more people are affected by their action | pron | 私たち自身 |
out | In a direction or movement away from the inside or center | adv | 外に;外に出て;外れて |
outcome | Something that happens as a result, consequence | n | 結果 |
outline | To overview or summarize the important points of something | verb | 概要,概要を述べる |
output | amount of something that is produced | n | 生産;出力 |
outside | area around or near something, such as a building | n | 外側,外側の,外側に |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
over | in the direction of; toward | prep | ~の上に |
overall | Viewed as a whole; in general, not as details | adj | 全部の;総合的な,全体として |
overcome | To succeed in a struggle against; defeat | verb | 克服する |
overseas | In or to a foreign country that is across a sea | adv | 海外;海外の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
owe | To need to pay or repay money | verb | 借りがある;義務がある;おかげである |
own | yours, his, hers, etc.; not belonging to another | det | 自身の;特有の |
owner | person who owns or has something | n | 持ち主;オーナー |
ownership | state of having a legal right to possess something | n | 所有権 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
pace | rate of speed at which someone or something moves or happens | n | ペース;一歩;速度 |
pack | To put things in a suitcase to go on a trip | verb | 包む;詰める |
package | box or container items are placed in for mailing | n | 小包;包装;パッケージ |
page | One side of a sheet of paper | n | ページ |
pain | strong feeling of hurt or discomfort | n | 痛み |
paint | to apply something; coat | verb | ペンキ,ペンキを塗る;描く |
pair | two of the same thing, e.g. socks | n | 一組;ペア |
pale | Light in color | adj | 青白い;淡い |
panel | group of people who answer questions or give opinions | n | パネル;委員会 |
panic | overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety | n | 恐慌;パニック |
paper | pages of a book are made from this | n | 紙,紙で包む;壁紙を貼る |
paragraph | section of writing that usually deals with one subject | n | 段落 |
parallel | Very similar and often occurring at the same time | adj | 平行な,平行線 |
parent | person's/animal's mother or father | n | 親 |
park | to put your car or bike in a certain place for a time | verb | 駐車場,駐車させる |
part | Some, but not all of a specific thing | n | 一部;部分 |
participant | person who is actively involved and included in something | n | 参加者 |
participate | To take part with others in doing something | verb | 参加する |
participation | act of being involved in something | n | 参加 |
particular | one specific (one) | adj | 特定の;特有の,項目;詳細 |
particularly | specially; more than others | adv | 特に |
partly | In part; not completely | adv | 一部分は;少しは |
partner | someone you have a business or personal relationship with | n | パートナー;相棒 |
partnership | working with others for some purpose | n | 協力関係 |
party | social event often with food, drinks and dancing | n | パーティー |
pass | To travel through or near a place | verb | 通り過ぎる;渡す |
passage | narrow path or space through which people or objects can go through | n | 通路;通過 |
passenger | person who is travelling in a vehicle | n | 乗客 |
passion | powerful, positive feeling about something | n | 情熱 |
past | time that existed before now, e.g. long ago | n | 過ぎた;過去の,過ぎて |
path | track made with stones/by walking over the ground | n | 小道;通り道 |
patient | not getting annoyed when things take a long time | adj | 辛抱強い |
pattern | regular repeated behavior | n | 模範;原型;模様;傾向;パターン |
pause | To stop doing for a while before continuing | verb | 休止,休止する |
pay | To give money for goods or work done | verb | 払う;支払い |
payment | amount of money that is paid for something | n | 支払い |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
peace | time when there is no war or fighting | n | 平和 |
peak | Being at the highest or best level of something | n | 頂点に達する |
peer | person of the same age, class or background as another | n | 対等者;同級生;貴族 |
pen | Something you write with in ink | n | ペン |
penalty | Punishment for committing a crime or offense | n | 罰 |
pension | regular payments you receive after you retire | n | 年金 |
people | Human beings in general; plural of person | n | 人々 |
per | For each; during each | prep | ~につき; ~ごとに |
perceive | To notice or become aware of something | verb | 知覚する;気づく |
percent | One one-hundredth of a whole | n | パーセント |
percentage | part of a whole divided into hundredths | n | パーセンテージ;割合 |
perception | way in which one sees or understands something | n | 知覚;認知 |
perfect | so good it/they cannot be improved | adj | 完全な;完璧な |
perfectly | In a faultless manner; without mistakes | adv | 完璧に |
perform | To carry out an action well or successfully | verb | 行う;成し遂げる |
performance | activity done to entertain an audience | n | 演奏;公演 |
perhaps | Possibly, but not certainly; maybe | adv | ひょっとすると;おそらく |
period | set amount of time during which events take place | n | 期間;時代 |
permanent | Lasting forever ; not temporary or changing | adj | 永続的な |
permission | right to do something as allowed by another | n | 許可 |
permit | To allow something to happen; to give permission | verb | 許可する |
person | man, woman or child | n | 人 |
personal | done by or to a particular person; individual | adj | 個人的な |
personality | person_s unique character; the way that a person usually acts | n | 個性;性格 |
personally | by a specific person, and not by anyone else | adv | 個人的に;自ら |
personnel | group of people who work for a company | n | 人事部;人員 |
perspective | way of thinking, an attitude toward something | n | 視点;遠近法 |
persuade | to get you to do/believe something, by giving reasons | verb | 説得する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
phase | distinct part or step in a process | n | 段階 |
phenomenon | fact that can observed and studied | n | 現象 |
philosophy | study of ideas about the fundamental nature of life | n | 哲学 |
phone | To talk to someone using a telephone | verb | 電話をかける |
photo | short for photograph; a picture taken by a camera | n | 写真 |
photograph | To take a picture with a camera | verb | 写真を撮る |
phrase | group of words that forms a unit and expresses a single meaning | n | 言い回し;語句 |
physical | Concerning the body of a person | adj | 身体の;肉体の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
piano | keyboard instrument used for playing music | n | ピアノ |
pick | to decide on a thing from various choices; select | verb | 選ぶ |
picture | painting, drawing or photograph on paper or screen | n | 絵;写真;映像 |
piece | small part that of something larger | n | 一かけら;破片 |
pig | animal that bacon comes from | n | ブタ |
pile | group of things one on top of another | n | 積み重ねる,積み重ね |
pilot | Performed to see if a larger or more detailed thing should be done | n | 飛行士;パイロット,操縦する;導く |
pink | One of the colors people can see: | adj | ピンク |
pipe | tube a round, hollow piece of metal, plastic, or wood | n | 管;パイプ |
pitch | black substance that is sticky when it is hot and very hard when it is dry | n | ボールを投げる,投球 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
place | To put something in a certain location or position | verb | 置く;設置する |
plain | very simple/ordinary; not decorated; not striped | adj | 地味な;質素な |
plan | detailed proposal/set of actions to do something | n | 計画;段取り |
plane | an airplane | n | 飛行機 |
planet | One of the bodies that orbit the sun | n | 惑星 |
plant | living thing with leaves and roots growing in soil | n | 植物 |
plastic | stiff but usually come; what flexible man-made material, usually made using a hydrocarbon-based polymer | n | プラスチック |
plate | flat dish used for eating or serving food | n | 皿 |
platform | flat, raised structure that people stand on | n | プラットフォーム;台 |
play | To do or perform a game or sport | verb | 競技する |
player | person who plays sports | n | 選手;プレーヤー |
pleasant | Causing a good feeling | adj | 気持ちのよい |
please | You say this when you politely ask people for things | adv | どうぞ;どうか;ぜひ |
pleasure | feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction | n | 楽しさ;愉快;満足 |
plenty | when there is not too little of something; a lot | pron | たくさん |
plot | To plan something in secret, often something bad | verb | 企み;陰謀,たくらむ |
plus | Having a value greater than zero | prep | 正数 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
small cloth bag sewn into clothing to hold things | n | ポケット | |
poem | a written composition in verse, not prose | n | 詩 |
poet | person who writes poems | n | 詩人 |
poetry | poetic writing; imaginative verses | n | 詩 |
point | To indicate something with your finger to others | verb | 指し示す |
police | People, often in uniforms, who solve crimes | n | 警察 |
policy | course of action proposed by an organization, etc | n | 政策;方針 |
political | Concerning government or public affairs | adj | 政治の |
politician | someone who is active in politics | n | 政治家 |
politics | Activities influencing the policies of a government | n pl. | 政治 |
poll | process of gathering people's opinions about something by asking a question or series of questions about a particular subject | n | 投票;世論調査 |
pollution | act or result of releasing dirty or dangerous substances into an environment | n | 汚染 |
pool | large container or hole that is filled with water and used for people to swim in | n | プール |
poor | Without money; not rich | adj | 貧しい |
pop | to cause something to open or burst suddenly | verb | ポンとはじける;現れる;飛び出す |
popular | liked or enjoyed by many people | adj | 人気のある |
population | number of people who live in a country, area etc | n | 人口 |
port | place along a coast where ships load and unload things or passengers, or be sheltered during a storm | n | 港 |
portion | part of a whole | n | 部分 |
portrait | painting, drawing or photograph of a person's head and shoulders | n | 肖像 |
pose | to put someone in a position to be photographed | verb | 姿勢;ポーズ,ポーズをとる |
position | specific location where someone or something is | n | 位置 |
positive | Good or useful in qualities, constructive, confident | adj | 確かな;肯定的な;前向きな |
possess | to have or own something | verb | 所有する;取り憑く |
possession | Having or owning something | n | 所有物 |
possibility | something with a chance of happening or being true | n | 可能性 |
possible | Having a chance of happening, or being true | adj | 可能な;可能性がある |
possibly | may be true or likely, but is uncertain | adv | 考えようによっては;~かも知れない |
post | To send a letter or package using the post office | verb | 郵送する |
pot | deep, round container that is used for cooking | n | 鍋;容器 |
potato | edible tuber vegetable | n | じゃがいも |
potential | capable of happening or becoming reality | adj | 可能性,潜在的な |
potentially | that could happen or become reality | adv | 潜在的に |
pound | unit of weight equal to 16 ounces or 0.4536 kg | n | 常用ポンド;16オンス,0.4536kgに相当 |
pour | To make something flow in a steady stream | verb | 注ぐ |
poverty | state of being poor | n | 貧困 |
power | legal or official right to perform certain actions | n | 権力;支配権 |
powerful | Having control or influence over | adj | 強力な;効力のある |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
practical | relating to what is sensible, real or useful | adj | 実用的な |
practice | To do something many times to improve a skill | verb | 練習する |
praise | To express approval of something or someone | verb | 称賛,称賛する |
pray | To wish or hope for something to happen or be true | verb | 祈る;祈願する |
precise | Very accurate and exact expression or detail | adj | 精密な;正確な |
precisely | In an exact and accurate manner | adv | 正確に |
predict | To guess or estimate what will or might happen | verb | 予測する |
prefer | To like something better than something else | verb | 好む |
preference | Something that is liked or wanted more than another | n | 好み |
pregnancy | state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus | n | 妊娠 |
pregnant | When women carry a child inside them that is not yet born | adj | 妊娠している |
premise | building and the area of land that it rests upon | n | 前提;土地;建物 |
preparation | act of making ready for a purpose or activity | n | 準備 |
prepare | To make something ready for use | verb | 準備する |
presence | condition or state of someone or something being at a certain place | n | 出席 |
present | gift | n | プレゼント;贈り物 |
presentation | act of giving a formal talk about something | n | 発表;プレゼンテーション |
preserve | To keep or maintain in an unchanged or perfect condition | verb | 保存する |
president | person in charge of a country, company or organization | n | 大統領;社長 |
presidential | Concerning the president | adj | 大統領・社長の |
press | To push something against something else | verb | 押す;押しつける |
pressure | the force/weight when pressing against a thing | n | 圧力 |
presumably | Concerning a true or likely nature | adv | 恐らく |
pretend | To act as if something is true when it is not | verb | ふりをする |
pretty | Being attractive to the eye in a simple way | adj | かわいい;すてきな |
prevent | To stop something from happening or existing | verb | 防ぐ |
previous | Existing or happening before the present time | adj | 前の |
previously | at an earlier time | adv | 以前に |
price | To determine or set the cost of something | verb | 値段をつける |
pride | When you respect yourself | n | 誇り |
primarily | in the most basic or important way | adv | 主に |
primary | most important, most basic or essential | adj | 主要な;第一位の |
prime | Most important, chief importance in value | adj | 最も重要な;最上の |
principal | Being of the most importance | adj | 主要な |
principle | natural law that explains how things work | n | 原理;原則 |
To make many copies of a page, magazine or book | verb | 印刷する | |
printer | machine that makes copies of papers and documents | n | 印刷機;プリンター |
prior | Existing or coming earlier in time | adj | 前の; 優先する |
priority | fact that is more important than other things | n | 優先順位 |
prison | place the court puts criminals as punishment; jail | n | 刑務所 |
prisoner | Someone kept in a prison as punishment for a crime | n | 囚人 |
private | (information) personal; not to be seen by everyone | adj | 私的な;個人的な |
privilege | advantage or right that is given to only a certain person or group of people | n | 特権;特典 |
prize | Something that is won in a contest or given as an award | n | 賞品 |
pro | Playing a sport as a job | n | 専門職 |
probability | what the chances are that something will happen | n | 可能性;確率 |
probably | (+adj or v) that is likely to happen or be true | adv | おそらく |
problem | Something difficult to deal with or causes trouble | n | 問題 |
procedure | usual or standard way in which something is done | n | 手順 |
proceed | To continue to do something; carry on | verb | 続ける;実施する |
process | To adopt a set of actions that produce a particular result | verb | 製造過程;手順;一連のプロセス,処理する |
produce | To manufacture something using machines | verb | 産出する;製造する |
producer | company producing or growing a certain product | n | 生産者;製造者 |
product | item that can be bought | n | 製品 |
production | process of making something on a large scale | n | 生産 |
profession | job requiring special education or skills | n | 専門職 |
professional | About a job such as doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc | adj | 専門職の;プロの |
profile | description listing the basic information about a person or group | n | 紹介;プロフィール,概略を書く;人物評を書く |
profit | To earn money from something | verb | 利益を得る |
program | planned set of actions; a schematic system | n | 計画;予定 |
progress | To move forward or toward a place or goal | verb | 前進する |
project | a planned piece of work for specific purpose | n | 計画;事業;プロジェクト |
promise | to say you will certainly do something | verb | 約束する |
promote | To try to encourage the popularity and sales of a product | verb | 推進する;促進する;奨励する |
promotion | act of advertising a product to people | n | 促進;販売促進 |
prompt | Being done quickly and with no delay | verb | 刺激する;促す,刺激;促進 |
proof | Something which shows that something else is true | n | 証拠;証明 |
proper | Correct according to social or moral rules | adj | 適切な |
properly | In an appropriate or correct manner | adv | 適切に |
property | Things, building or piece of land owned by someone | n | 所有物;財産 |
proportion | amount that is a part of a whole thing | n | 割合 |
proposal | offer or plan to people who can decide about it | n | 提案 |
propose | To offer or put forward an idea for consideration | verb | 提案する |
prospect | Wide view of a landscape, etc | n | 見込み;可能性 |
protect | To defend someone or something from harm or danger | verb | 保護する |
protection | Being kept from harm | n | 保護 |
protein | substance found in some foods, such as meat, that is needed by the body to stay healthy | n | タンパク質 |
protest | To express opposition through action or words | verb | 抗議,抗議する |
proud | Pleased because of something you have done | adj | 誇りに思う |
prove | To demonstrate truth by providing evidence | verb | 証明する |
provide | To make available; to supply for use | verb | 提供する |
province | area that a country or nation is divided into | n | 州;省;領域 |
provision | clause in a legal document | n | 規定;条項;条件 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
psychological | Having to do with the mind | adj | 心理的な |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
pub | building with a bar licensed to sell alcohol | n | パブ;酒場 |
public | concerning society in general | adj | 公の;公的な |
publication | process of producing a book, magazine | n | 発表;出版 |
publisher | business that produces books or magazines | n | 出版社 |
pull | To hold something and move it toward you | verb | 引く;引っ張る |
pump | To make water or any other liquid move using a machine | verb | ポンプ,ポンプでくみ上げる |
pupil | person who is being taught, in a school, etc | n | 児童;生徒 |
purchase | To buy something; to get by paying money for it | verb | 購入する |
pure | Not mixed with anything else; uncontaminated | adj | 純粋な |
purpose | reason for which something is done; aim; goal | n | 目的 |
pursue | To follow and try to catch or to reach a goal | verb | 追求する |
push | To force something away from you | verb | 押しのける |
put | To move or place a thing in a particular position | verb | 置く |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
quadrillion | number that is represented as a one followed by 24 zeros | n | 兆 |
qualification | official record proving a certain standard or level | n | 資格 |
qualify | to earn a qualification through exam/studying | verb | 資格を取る |
quality | high level of worth or excellence | n | 質;資質 |
quantity | amount or number of something | n | 量 |
quarter | One of four equal parts of something | n | 4分の1 |
question | To ask for or try to get information | verb | 質問する;疑問に思う |
quick | Using very little time; moving far in little time | adj | 素早い;速い |
quickly | without taking a lot of time; fast | adv | 速く;すぐに |
quiet | Not loud; making very little sound | adj | 静かな |
quietly | In a quiet manner; making little sound or fuss | adv | 静かに |
QUINTILLION | the number that is represented as a one followed by zeros | undefined | 京 |
quite | Very; In a complete or total manner | adv | 全く;かなり |
quote | To use someone's exact words in your writing or speech | verb | 引用する,引用 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
race | contest between either people, animals or vehicles, to determine which is the fastest | n | 競争,競争する |
racial | Concerning or according to race | adj | 人種の |
radical | very new and different from what is traditional | adj | 抜本的な;急進的な |
radio | system for sending and receiving signals through the air | n | ラジオ |
rail | long, thin piece of metal | n | 鉄道;レール |
rain | Drops of water that fall out of clouds in the sky | n | 雨 |
raise | To increase a quantity, size, intensity or price | verb | 高める |
random | Chosen, done without a particular plan or pattern | adj | 無作為の |
range | limits within which something extends or varies | n | 範囲,範囲に及ぶ;並べる |
rank | To rate people in higher or lower position relative to others | verb | 階級;地位,順位付けする |
rapid | Happening very quickly | adj | 急速な |
rapidly | With great speed | adv | 急速に |
rare | Not common or usual | adj | 珍しい |
rarely | In an infrequent manner | adv | めったに~ない |
rat | Any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse | n | ネズミ |
rate | speed or frequency of events over time | n | 速度;割合;比率 |
rather | Somewhat; fairly; not that much | adv | かなり;いくぶん;どちらかといえば;それどころか |
ratio | quantitative relationship in size, etc | n | 比率 |
raw | Being uncooked | adj | 生の;未加工の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
reach | To come to or arrive at a goal or destination | verb | 伸びる;及ぶ;届く;到着する,伸ばすこと;届く範囲 |
react | To behave or make a change in a particular way | verb | 反応する |
reaction | feeling or action in response to something | n | 反応 |
read | To look at and comprehend the meaning some writing | verb | 読む |
reader | person who reads written or printed materials | n | 読者 |
ready | Prepared | adj | 用意のできた;~しがち;即座の |
real | Actually existing or happening, not imagined | adj | 現実の;本物の |
reality | What is true, as opposed to what is imagined | n | 現実 |
realize | To become aware of or understand mentally | verb | 気づく;理解する |
really | Very | adv | 本当に;実に |
rear | To bring up animals e.g. horses as a farmer | verb | 育てる |
reason | explanation for why something occurred or was done | n | 理由;原因;根拠 |
reasonable | Fair and sensible; appropriate | adj | 理性的な;合理的 |
reasonably | In a fair and just manner | adv | 理性的に;合理的に |
recall | To remember events or details of the past | verb | 思い出す,想起 |
receive | to get something that someone has given or sent to you | verb | 受ける;受信する |
recent | happening or beginning not long ago | adj | 最近の |
recently | just a while ago; not long ago | adv | 最近;近年 |
reckon | to believe or expect that something is true | verb | 数える;考える |
recognition | Accepting that something is true or that it exists | n | 認識 |
recognize | To remember because you have met it before | verb | 認識する |
recommend | To say something is good and deserves to be chosen | verb | 推薦する |
recommendation | official suggestion about a course of action or a choice of person; the act of suggesting someone or something as a good choice | n | 推薦 |
record | Being the highest or most extreme level achieved in an area | n | レコード |
recover | To revive, become healthy after an illness or injury | verb | 回復する |
recovery | process of returning to a former state after problems or a downward turn | n | 回復 |
recruit | To get people to come and work, join or study with you | verb | 採用する;募集する,新入社員 |
red | being the color of blood | adj | 赤;血の色のような |
reduce | To make something smaller or use less of it | verb | 減少させる |
reduction | Making something smaller ; reducing something | n | 削減 |
refer | To talk about or write about something | verb | 言及する;引用する;参照する |
reference | To cite a piece of research in speech or in writing | verb | 言及;参照 |
reflect | to bounce back off a surface e.g. light | verb | 反映する;反射する |
reflection | image that you see in a mirror, glass, or water | n | 反射;反響 |
reform | To improve society by removing abuse and injustices | verb | 改革する,改革;改良 |
refugee | person who has been forced to leave his or her country due to a war or for religious reasons | n | 難民 |
refuse | To say that you will not accept something | verb | 拒否する |
regard | To pay attention to someone or something | verb | 注視する;注意を払う |
regardless | Without being affected or concerned by something difficult or troubling | adj | ~に注意しない;~にかかわらず |
region | part of a country, of the world, area, etc | n | 地域 |
regional | Concerning a particular area | adj | 地域の |
register | To record your name on an official list; sign up | verb | 登録する,登録 |
registration | act of recording information on an official list | n | 登録 |
regret | To be sorry about something | verb | 後悔する,後悔 |
regular | Occurring or being done frequently | adj | 定期的な;規則的な |
regularly | At the usual time each day, week, or month | adv | 定期的に;規則的に |
regulate | To set or adjust the amount, restrict something | verb | 規制する |
regulation | official rule that controls how something is done | n | 規制 |
reject | To refuse, deny to believe, accept, or consider | verb | 拒否する |
relate | To understand or sympathize with someone or something | verb | 関係づける;関連する |
relation | manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another | n | ~に関する |
relationship | manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another | n | 関係 |
relative | Measured or considered in comparison to something else | n | 親戚 |
relatively | In a manner that measures or compares something to something else | adv | 比較的に;相対的に |
relax | To become or free from tense, tight, or stiff | verb | くつろぐ;緩める |
release | To allow to leave a jail, cage, prison, etc | verb | 解放する;公開する,解放 |
relevant | Concerning a subject in an considerable way | adj | 関連した |
reliable | Deserving of your trust, dependable | adj | 信頼できる |
relief | pleasant and relaxed feeling | n | 除去;安心;救助 |
religion | set of beliefs about a god or gods | n | 宗教 |
religious | Concerning religion or faith | adj | 宗教的な |
rely on | To depend on someone or something | verb | 頼る |
remain | To be left behind, to continue to exist | verb | 残る;~ままである,残り;遺跡 |
remark | To notice or make a comment about something | verb | 発言,述べる |
remarkable | Interesting and unexpected, worthy of notice | adj | 顕著な |
remember | To bring a previous image or idea to your mind | verb | 思い出す |
remind | To make someone remember something | verb | 思い出させる |
remote | Being far away from people, towns, and other things that are familiar | adj | 遠い |
remove | To move, erase or take away from a place | verb | 取り除く;解任する |
rent | To pay money for the use of something | verb | 家賃,賃借りする |
repair | To put what is broken back into good condition ; fix | verb | 修理する |
repeat | To say something again | verb | 繰り返す,繰り返し |
replace | To use instead of something else | verb | 取り替える |
reply | Answer someone's question | n | 答える,返信 |
report | account of something which gives the necessary facts and information | n | 報告書; レポート |
reporter | Someone whose job is to research, gather, write, and report news for a newspaper, magazine, television or radio station | n | 報告書;記者;レポーター |
represent | To stand in the place of to act the part of | verb | 表す;代表する;説明する |
representation | act or action of representing something | n | 表現 |
representative | Typical of a particular group or thing | n | 代表者,代表する |
reputation | common opinion that people have about someone | n | 評判 |
request | To ask for something | verb | 依頼する,依頼 |
require | To need something, to make it necessary | verb | 必要とする |
requirement | Something that is a necessity | n | 必要条件 |
rescue | To save something from danger or harm | verb | 救助する,救助 |
research | To carefully study to find and report new knowledge | verb | 研究,研究する |
researcher | Someone who does research work | n | 研究者 |
reserve | To arrange for a room, table be kept for you, at particular time. | verb | 予約する;取っておく |
resident | someone who lives in a particular place | adj | 居住している,住民 |
resign | To leave a job because you want to | verb | 辞任する |
resist | To try to stop or prevent something | verb | 抵抗する |
resistance | Refusal to accept something new or different | n | 抵抗;耐性 |
resolution | formal statement of the desires or decisions of a group | n | 解決;決議;分解 |
resolve | To be determined to find an answer or to solve problems | verb | 解決する |
resort | place that provides entertainment, meals, and rooms that one goes to for a vacation | n | リゾート地 |
resource | essential supply of something | n | 資源 |
respect | To think very highly of another person because of what they do | verb | 尊敬する,尊敬 |
respectively | With regards to each of several persons or things as mentioned, in the order they were mentioned | adv | それぞれ |
respond | To say or write to answer the question | verb | 返事する;反応する |
response | Something said or written as an answer to something | n | 返答;反応 |
responsibility | state of being dependable or reliable | n | 責任 |
responsible | Having the duty of dealing with something; being the cause or creator of something; behaving in a mature and reasonable manner | adj | 責任がある;信頼できる |
rest | time when one relaxes, sleeps, or is inactive | n | 休憩 |
restaurant | place where you can order, buy and eat a meal | n | レストラン |
restore | To put or bring back into existence or use, mend | verb | 回復する |
restrict | To prevent someone from doing something | verb | 制限する |
restriction | law or rule that controls or limits the speed, size, amount, or number of something | n | 制限 |
result | To be the outcome of other causes and effects | verb | 結果,~という結果になる |
retail | Concerning the business of selling products to the public for personal use | adj | 小売 |
retain | To continue to have or use, keep the quality | verb | 保持する |
retire | To stop because you have reached the time | verb | 引退する;退職する |
retirement | Concerning people who have stopped working because they have reached a certain age | n | 引退;退職 |
return | To come back to a place again | verb | 戻す;返す,帰宅;返却;復帰;お返し |
reveal | To make known, to show or prove | verb | 暴露,明らかにする |
revenue | Money that is made by or paid to a business | n | 収入 |
reverse | To change to an opposite state ,way or condition | verb | 逆,反対の,逆転する |
review | To carefully look at the quality of something | verb | 批評,批評する |
revise | To make changes, add something to improve | verb | 改訂する;復習する |
revolution | sudden significant change | n | 革命;回転数 |
reward | To give something to someone because of their good work | verb | 報酬,報いる |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
rice | white or brown grains from a plant used for food | n | 米 |
rich | Having a lot of money, possessions, or resources | adj | 金持ち;豊かな |
rid | To no longer be wanted so you throw it away | verb | 除去する;解放する |
ride | To sit on and control a horse or vehicle | verb | 乗る,乗車 |
right | on side where the hand that most people write with | adj | 右の;右に |
ring | To produce a sound from a bell, alarm or telephone | verb | ベルやアラームの音が鳴る;響く |
rise | To move from a lower position to a higher one | verb | 上がる;起立する,上昇 |
risk | To take the chance that you may do something dangerous | verb | 危険;リスク,賭ける;危険にさらす |
rival | be in opposition to someone often as competitors | adj | ライバル |
river | flowing water that runs from mountains to the sea | n | 川 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
road | long piece of hard land for cars to travel on | n | 道路 |
rock | big stone; hard, solid substance forming mountains | n | 岩;石 |
role | character played by an actor | n | 役割 |
roll | To move along a surface by turning many times | verb | 転がる |
romantic | Involving, causing, or relating to strong feelings of love between two people | adj | ロマンチックな |
roof | cover or top of something | n | 屋根 |
room | part of building enclosed by walls, e.g. kitchen | n | 部屋 |
root | the part of a plant that grows underground | n | 根;根元,根付かせる;根こそぎにする |
rough | Having an uneven or not smooth surface | adj | 大ざっぱな;おおよその |
roughly | In an inexact or imprecise manner | adv | 粗雑に;手荒く |
round | being in the shape of a circle or ball | adj | 丸い,円形 |
route | way to get from one place to another place | n | 道 |
routine | Happening or done regularly or frequently | n | 日課,いつもの |
row | To move a boat using long pieces of wood called oars | verb | 漕ぐ |
royal | Concerning a king or queen | adj | 国王の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ruin | To destroy or spoil something, to make it useless | verb | 荒廃;破滅,破壊する;破滅させる;だめにする |
rule | statement that says how things should be | n | 規則;ルール;習慣,決定する |
run | To move your legs faster than walking | verb | 走る |
rural | Concerning the country as opposed to the city | adj | 田舎の;農村の |
rush | To do something very quickly | verb | 大急ぎでする;突進する,急ぎ;突進;ほとばしり |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
sad | feeling unhappy; wishing something hadn't happened | adj | 悲しい |
safe | being out of danger | adj | 安全な |
safety | state of being free from harm or danger | n | 安全 |
sail | To travel on water in a ship or boat | verb | 帆,航行する |
sake | interest or benefit of someone or something | n | 為;目的;利益 |
salary | money an employee is paid each year | n | 給料 |
sale | Giving something for money; the amount sold | n | 販売;売上高 |
salt | Natural white crystal used to flavor or preserve food | n | 塩 |
same | Identical; not different | det | 同じ |
sample | To try something to see if you like it (e.g. food) | verb | 見本;サンプル |
sanction | action taken to force a country to obey laws | n | 認可;制裁 |
sand | Grains of rock that make beaches and deserts | n | 砂 |
satisfaction | happy feeling because of something that you did | n | 満足 |
satisfy | To be happy because you met your expectation | verb | 満たす |
saturday | sixth day of the week; the day after Friday | n | 土曜日 |
save | To rescue someone or something from a bad situation | verb | 救う |
say | To use words to tell your message | verb | 言う;言葉を使う |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
scale | a device that is used to weigh a person or thing | n | 目盛り;基準;尺度;縮尺比;規模 |
scan | To look for details in something by examining it carefully | verb | 詳しく調べる;ざっと目を通す;スキャンする |
scare | to make someone feel frightened or worried | verb | 怖がらせる |
scene | part of an act in a play | n | 現場;場面 |
schedule | To arrange a time to do something with others | verb | 予定;スケジュール |
scheme | often dishonest plan to get or do something | n | 計画;構想 |
scholar | educated person who attends or attended school | n | 学者 |
school | building where you learn in classes with a teacher | n | 学校;教習所 |
science | Knowledge of the physical world based on facts | n | 科学 |
scientific | Concerning science | adj | 科学的 |
scientist | person who is trained in a science | n | 科学者 |
scope | area or range of things that something includes or deals with | n | 範囲,詳しく調べる |
score | To get points in a sport such as kicking a ball into a goal | verb | 得点,得点する |
scream | To make a sudden loud cry | verb | 悲鳴,悲鳴を上げる |
screen | flat surface on a computer, or tv that shows images | n | 画面,上映する;検査する;選抜する;隠す |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
sea | place with a large amount of salt water | n | 海 |
seal | To make something so that it does not leak air or water | verb | 封印する;密封する |
search | To carefully look for something | verb | 捜す,捜索 |
season | One of the four parts of the year determined mainly by the weather during that time | n | 季節 |
seat | To show someone to a place that can sit down | verb | 座席,着席させる |
second | 2nd; the one following first | adj | 第二の |
secondary | Being of less importance than something else | adj | 二番目の;二次的な |
secondly | Concerning a point or reason after the first | adv | 第二に |
secret | that you don't want others to know; private | adj | 秘密の |
secretary | Employee in an office, usually working for another person, dealing with letters, typing, filing, etc. and making appointments and arrangements | n | 秘書;大臣;長官 |
section | One of the parts that form something | n | 部分;区間 |
sector | area that includes certain kinds of job | n | 部門 |
secure | To protect something from danger or harm, keep things safe | verb | 安全な,確保する;固定する |
security | Things done to protect people, buildings, a country, etc. from harm | n | 安全 |
see | To use your eyes to look at something | verb | 見る |
seed | small object from which something new can grow | n | 種子 |
seek | To search for; to try to find; look for | verb | 探し求める |
seem | To appear to be something | verb | ~のように見える;思われる |
segment | part divided from the other parts of something | n | 部分 |
select | To choose from a group, something most suitable | verb | 選択する,厳選した |
selection | process of choosing someone or something carefully | n | 選択 |
self | person that someone really is | n | 自己 |
sell | To exchange something for money | verb | 売る |
send | To cause mail or package to go to another place | verb | 送る;送信する |
senior | Having higher status or authority than another person | adj | 年長者;先輩;高齢者 |
sense | To perceive using sight, sound, taste touch or hearing | verb | 感覚,感じる;感知する |
sensitive | Easily hurt or damaged | adj | 敏感な;繊細な |
sentence | set of spoken or written words that make a whole statement | n | 文 |
separate | to divide into parts, or to make something divide into parts | adj | 離す;分ける,分かれた |
september | 9th month of the year | n | 9月 |
sequence | order in which things (should) happen | n | 連続 |
series | number of things that happen one after another | n pl. | 連続 |
serious | Needing thought or concentration; important; in a sober manner | adj | 深刻な;真剣な;まじめな |
seriously | In a dangerous or negative manner | adv | 真剣に |
servant | person who works in another person's house and usually is responsible for cooking, cleaning and other tasks | n | 使用人 |
serve | to give or provide something to another person | verb | 供給する;役立つ |
server | person whose occupation is to serve at table (as in a restaurant) (court games) the player who serves to start a point (computer science) a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network; utensil used in serving food or drink | n | サーバー |
service | To maintain a piece of machinery so it runs well | verb | 修理する;点検する |
session | meeting or series of meetings of a body, such as a court or legislature | n | 開催;時間;集会;セッション |
set | complete group of something, e.g. a chess set | n | セット;一揃え |
settle | To move to a new environment and become accustomed to it | verb | 定住する;落ち着く |
Settlement | place or region where people build homes and few people have lived before | n | 移住;入植地;落ち着くこと |
seven | number 7 | num | 七 |
seventeen | 17 | num | 十七 |
seventy | 70 | num | 七十 |
several | More than two but not many | det | いくつかの;それぞれの |
severe | Very bad | adj | 厳しい |
sex | state of being male or female mostly biological | n | 性別 |
sexual | Concerning or connected with the physical activity that can produce babies | adj | 性的な |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
shade | area of darkness when something blocks the light | n | 日陰 |
shadow | dark shape that appears when something is against the; of light | n | 影 |
shake | to move something violently back and forth or up and down | verb | 振る;震える;動揺させる,振動;震え |
shall | Expressing the future tense, to expect to happen | aux | ~すべきである;当然~だろう;~しなければならない;~しましょうか |
shape | the outer form of something, what it looks like | n | 形,形作る |
share | part of a company you own, shown by a certificate | n | 株;株券 |
shareholder | Someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation | n | 株主 |
sharp | Having a thin edge or point that is able to cut | adj | 鋭い;とがった |
she | female person or animal mentioned before | pron | 彼女 |
sheep | animal with a woolly coat raised for meat or wool | n | 羊 |
sheet | large piece of fabric or material that is used to cover something, often a bed | n | 枚;用紙;シート |
shelf | flat board attached to a wall on which to store things | n | 棚 |
shell | hard outer covering that protects | n | 貝殻 |
shelter | structure that covers or protects things | n | 避難所;保護施設 |
shift | To change in position or direction | verb | 替える,交代 |
shine | To be bright because light hits it e.g. the sun | verb | 光る |
ship | large boat | n | 船 |
shirt | light garment for upper body, with sleeves | n | シャツ |
shock | sudden bad feeling caused by something unexpected | n | ぎょっとさせる,激突;ショック |
shoe | outer covering for the foot made from leather | n | 靴 |
shoot | To kick or throw a ball at a goal | verb | (ボールをゴールに)ける;投げ入れる;シュートする |
shop | place which sells things | n | 店;商店 |
shore | land along the edge of an area of water | n | 岸 |
short | small distance from one end to the other | n | 短い;背が低い;不足して |
shot | To kick or throw a ball at a goal | verb | (ボールをゴールに)ける;投げ入れる;シュートする |
should | Used to indicate what is proper or reasonable | aux | ~べきである |
shoulder | part of the body where an arm attaches or joins | n | 肩 |
shout | To speak very loudly because you want to get their attention | verb | 叫ぶ |
Show | To explain or teach how something is done | verb | (やり方を)見せる;教える |
shower | process of cleaning your body by standing under falling water | n | シャワーを浴びる;浴びせる;たくさん与える |
shut | To close something | verb | 閉じる;閉める,閉じた |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
sick | Having a physical or mental illness | adj | 病気の |
side | straight edge of an object | n | 側面 |
sigh | To breathe out in a way to show boredom or disappointment | verb | ため息,ため息をつく |
sight | sense that allows one to see and take in information through your eyes | n | 見ること;視力;視野 |
sign | To write your signature on formal documents such as contracts | verb | 署名する;合図する;契約する |
signal | move a hand, or other thing to tell people to do something. | adj | 信号,合図する;示す,際立った |
significance | importance of something; the potential for something to have a big effect | n | 意義 |
significant | Large enough to be noticed or have an effect; important | adj | 重要な |
significantly | In a way that is important or noticeable | adv | 著しく |
silence | No sound or noise | n | 静けさ |
silent | Not speaking or making noise | adj | 静かな |
silly | Lacking seriousness or foolish | adv | ばかな |
silver | near white color metal with high value and the symbol ‘ag’ | n | 銀 |
similar | Nearly the same | adj | よく似た |
similarly | In away that is almost the same as something or someone else | adv | 同様に |
simple | Not hard to understand or do; not complex | adj | 簡単な;単純な |
simply | In an easy or clear manner | adv | 簡単に;単純に |
since | from the time in the past that | prep | ~以来;~なので |
sing | To make musical sounds with your voice | verb | 歌う |
singer | person who sings, often as a profession | n | 歌手 |
single | Only, merely | adj | たった一つの |
sink | large bowl in a kitchen or washroom for washing things | n | 流し |
sir | form of address to a man you respect/do not know | n | あなたさま;~殿 |
sister | female you share a parent with | n | 姉妹 |
sit | To be in a resting position on a chair | verb | 座る |
site | present, former or future LOCATION of something, such as a building | n | ウェブサイト |
situate | To place someone or something in a particular place or position | verb | 位置付ける |
situation | condition, location or position | n | 状況 |
six | 6 | num | 六 |
sixteen | 16 | num | 十六 |
sixty | 60 | num | 六十 |
size | How big or small a thing is | n | 大きさ;サイズ |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ski | One of a pair of long flat runners attached to the feet for gliding over snow | n | スキー |
skill | ability to do something well | n | 熟練;技術 |
skin | outer layer of an animal or human | n | 皮膚 |
skirt | piece of clothing for the lower body worn by women | n | スカート |
sky | the place where we see clouds above us | n | 空 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
slave | Someone who is legally owned by another person | n | 奴隷 |
sleep | To rest your body in bed, as at night time | verb | 眠る |
slice | flat piece of food that has been cut from a bigger piece of food | n | 一切れ;薄片 |
slide | To move smoothly and easily, usually over a surface | verb | 滑る;そっと動く;下がる;悪化する,滑ること;滑り台 |
slight | Very small | adj | わずかな,軽視 |
slightly | Concerning a small quantity or degree | adv | わずかに |
slip | To slide out of position or fall on the ground by accident | verb | 滑る,滑ること |
slope | Ground that slants downward or upward | n | 傾斜 |
slow | moving or happening without speed; not fast | adj | 遅い;遅くなる |
slowly | in an unhurried or not speedy manner | adv | ゆっくりと |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
small | Little in size; not big | adj | 小さい |
smart | Being wise, intelligent or clever | adj | 賢い |
smell | To use the nose to sense something | verb | におい,においを嗅ぐ;においがする |
smile | To put up the corners of mouth to show happiness | verb | ほほえむ,笑顔 |
smoke | To breathe in through a cigarette and then blow it out | verb | 喫煙 |
smooth | Something that feels pleasant and flat when you touch it not rough | adj | なめらかな,なめらかにする |
snap | To break something long and thin e.g. a branch | verb | ポキッと折る;プツンと切れる;パチンと音を立てる;すばやく動く,パチンという音 |
snow | icy material falling from the clouds | n | 雪,雪が降る |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
So | For that reason | conj | その理由で |
social | Involving activities among people especially free time activities | adj | 社会的な |
society | community of people living together | n | 社会 |
soft | Easy to press, bend or cut; not hard or firm | adj | やわらかい;穏やかな |
software | market for software is expected to expand | n | ソフトウェア |
soil | mix of sand and other natural material on the surface of the earth that is used to grow plants | n | 土壌 |
soldier | person who is in the military | n | 兵士 |
solid | Firm or hard ; not a gas or liquid | adj | 固体の;堅実な |
solution | Something that ends a problem | n | 解決策; 解答 |
solve | To find a way to deal with a problem | verb | 解決する |
some | Used to refer to an unspecified amount or number | det | いくらかの;ある;およそ |
somebody | Person who is not known or named | pron | 誰か |
somehow | In a way that is not known or certain | adv | どういうわけか;なんらかの方法で |
someone | person who is not known or named | pron | 誰か |
something | thing that is not yet known or named | pron | 何か |
sometimes | only at certain times; occasionally | adv | ときどき |
somewhat | little, not very | adv | いくぶん |
somewhere | at or to an unknown or unnamed place | adv | どこかに |
son | male child; friendly way of addressing a boy | n | 息子 |
song | Some music with words in verse | n | 歌 |
soon | At a time not long from now | adv | もうすぐ;早く |
sorry | what you say to admit you were wrong | itj | すまないと思う;後悔している;気の毒に思う |
sort | group or class of similar things or people | n | 種類 |
soul | spiritual part of a person | n | 魂 |
sound | Waves traveling in air or water that can be heard | n | 音;音響 |
source | Produces or provides what is wanted or needed | n | 源 |
south | direction that is the opposite of north | adj | 南;南の;南へ |
southern | Having to do with a region in the south | adj | 南部の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
space | empty area with nothing in it | n | 空間;間隔 |
spare | Being extra; available to be used or borrowed | adj | 予備;スペア |
speak | To use words to tell information, express thoughts | verb | 話す |
speaker | person who makes a speech before a group | n | 話す人;演説者 |
special | Different from what is usual; better or greater than normal | adj | 特別な |
specialist | person who works in one specific area of a field or profession | n | 専門家 |
specialize | To focus on one area of a field or profession | verb | 専門にする |
species | most specific level in the scientific tree | n pl. | 種 |
specific | Special or particular; clearly presented or stated | adj | 明確な;特定の |
specifically | In a well defined or clear manner; in particular | adv | 特に |
specify | To state, name or mention exactly and clearly | verb | 指定する |
speech | expression of ideas or opinions | n | 話;スピーチ |
speed | quality of being fast or quick | n | 速さ,急ぐ;加速する |
spell | to be able to say, write, or print the letters that make up a word | verb | つづり;スペル,つづる |
spend | To use money to pay for something | verb | 使う;過ごす |
spin | To turn around repeatedly | verb | 回転する |
spirit | part of a person that is not physical and believed to be the source of human emotions and character | n | 精神;気分;気力 |
split | To break something into pieces or divide someting | verb | 割る;裂く,分割;対立 |
sponsor | To help someone or something succeed by giving them money | verb | 出資者;スポンサー,スポンサーになる |
sport | game or physical exercise with rules | n | スポーツ |
spot | see someone by chance | adj | 見つける |
spread | To place something over or cover a large area | verb | 広げる,広がり |
spring | time of year when plants start growing after winter | n | 春 |
square | shape with 4 equal length sides and 4 equal angles | n | 正方形;四角 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
stability | quality or state of not being easily moved or changed | n | 安定 |
stable | In a good situation or condition not likely changed | adj | 安定した |
staff | employees of a company | n | 職員,職員を配置する |
stage | place where actors or musician perform for others | n | 舞台 |
stain | To mark or change the color of something so it looks dirty | verb | 染み;汚点,染める;汚す |
stair | Steps that go from one level to another | n | 階段 |
stake | To bet or wager on an outcome | verb | 賭け金,賞金;利害関係,賭ける |
stamp | small piece of paper you buy to put on a letter that you mail | n | 切手 |
stand | to be upright; not be sitting or lying down | verb | 立つ |
standard | accepted level of quality; an official measurement | adj | 標準,標準の |
star | A bright planet of gas in the night sky | adj | 星 |
stare | To look at someone or something for a long time | verb | じっと見る |
start | first time or place that a thing exists; beginning | n | 始め;開始 |
state | region within a country, with its own government | n | 州 |
statement | act or process of saying something formally | n | 発言;陳述 |
station | place where you can catch a train or a bus | n | 駅 |
statistic | number that represents a piece of information | n | 統計値 |
status | position or rank relative to others in a society | n | 社会的地位 |
stay | To spend time visiting a place or someone’s home | verb | 滞在する |
steady | Firmly fixed, supported or balanced; not shaking, rocking or likely to fall over | adj | 安定した |
steal | To secretly take something that belongs to another | verb | 盗む |
steel | very strong metal made of iron and other substances mixed together | n | 鋼 |
stem | long, thin thing joining parts of a plant | n | 幹,起因する;食い止める |
step | flat horizontal piece that forms stairs | n | 階段;ステップ |
stick | long thin piece of wood from a tree | n | 棒 |
still | (used of an action or condition that is ongoing) | adv | まだ;それでも;なお |
stimulate | Excite to action | verb | 刺激する |
stir | To mix something by making circular movements in it | verb | かき混ぜる |
stock | piece of a business, bought in the form of shares | n | 在庫;蓄え,仕入れる;満たす |
stomach | place in the body where food is digested | n | 胃 |
stone | hard, solid piece of rock | n | 石 |
stop | To finish moving or to come to an end | verb | 止まる |
storage | act of storing something; a depository for goods | n | 貯蔵;保管;保管場所 |
store | place where you can go to buy things | n | 店 |
storm | Weather with a lot of rain, snow and strong winds | n | 嵐 |
story | an account or description of how something happened | n | 話;物語 |
straight | Not having curves, bends, or angles | adj | まっすぐな |
strain | To use too much energy that you hurt yourself | verb | こす;ろ過する |
strange | Unusual or odd; surprising because unexpected | adj | 奇妙な |
stranger | Someone you do not know | n | 見知らぬ人 |
strategy | careful plan or method for achieving a goal | n | 戦略 |
stream | small river | n | 流れる |
street | road in a city with buildings and places to walk | n | 道;通り |
strength | Being strong | n | 力;強さ |
strengthen | To make something stronger | verb | 強化する |
stress | To be in a state of mental tension due to problems | verb | ストレスを感じる |
stretch | To make something bigger by pulling on it | verb | 伸ばす |
strict | command that must be obeyed | adj | 厳格な |
strike | To hit something | verb | 打つ;殴る |
string | Thick thread; thin rope | n | 糸;ひも |
strip | To take something away from (someone) | verb | 細長い路 |
stroke | To touch someone or something repeatedly in a caring way | verb | なでる |
strong | Having big muscles; physically powerful | adj | 強い;力強い |
strongly | With strength or in a strong manner | adv | 強く |
structural | Concerning or caused by structure | adj | 構造の |
structure | the way something is built, arranged or organized | n | 構造;組み立て |
struggle | to try very hard to do something difficult | verb | もがく;奮闘する |
student | person studying at school | n | 学生 |
studio | place for painting, broadcasting, etc | n | スタジオ |
study | To focus on learning something usually at school | verb | 勉強する |
stuff | generic description for things, materials, objects | n | 物 |
stupid | not intelligent; lacking the ability to learn easily | adj | ばか;頭が悪い |
style | the (tasteful) way something is designed or made | n | 様式 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
subject | the person or thing that does the action of a verb | n | 主語 |
submit | To accept a superior force has power over you | verb | 提出する |
subsequent | Happening after | adj | 次の; 後の |
subsequently | After something else has happened | adv | 後で |
substance | particular type of material | n | 実体;実質;内容 |
substantial | Being large in degree, quantity, or size | adj | かなりの; 実質的な |
substitute | person or thing that makes the place instead of something | n | 代わり,代用する:置き換える |
succeed | to have achieved what you were trying to achieve | verb | 成功する |
success | achievement of a desired purpose or goal | n | 成功 |
successful | Having the desired effect or result | adj | 成功した |
successfully | In a manner that achieves a goal | adv | 成功するかたちで |
such | Like or similar | det | そのような;とても~な |
sudden | Happening or done quickly or unexpectedly | adj | 突然の |
suddenly | In an unexpected or very quick manner | adv | 突然に |
suffer | To experience pain, illness, or injury | verb | 苦しむ;耐える |
sufficient | Having or providing enough when needed | adj | 十分な |
sugar | white sweet substance used to make foods sweeter | n | 砂糖 |
suggest | to mention something that could be done; propose | verb | 提案する |
suggestion | idea about what someone should do | n | 提案 |
suit | To be appropriate for a given situation | verb | 合う;適する |
suitable | right for a particular purpose or occasion | adj | 適した;ふさわしい |
sum | amount when all is added together; total | n | 合計 |
summarize | To state the main or most important ideas of something | verb | 要約する |
summary | brief statement that gives the most important info | n | 要約 |
summer | part of the year when the weather is hot | n | 夏 |
sun | the hot shining star the Earth moves around | n | 太陽 |
sunday | seventh day of the week, the day after Saturday | n | 日曜日 |
supplement | add extra to support or make something complete | n | 補足,補う |
supplier | organization that provides a product or service | n | 供給者 |
supply | To give or sell goods to others for their use | verb | 供給する |
support | To give assistance or advice to someone | verb | 支える;支援する |
supporter | someone who shows they are in favor of idea/plan | n | サポーター; 支持者 |
suppose | To imagine or guess what might happen | verb | 思う;仮定する |
sure | having no doubts about something | adj | 確信している |
surely | With certainty; definitely | adv | 確かに;きっと |
Surface | of the top layer; superficial | adj | 表面の |
surgery | medical treatment in which a doctor performs an operation, cutting into a body to remove or repair internal parts | n | 手術 |
surprise | To do something that another person didn't expect | verb | 驚かせる |
surprisingly | In an unexpected manner ; to an unexpected degree | adv | 驚くほど |
surround | To be on every side of something | verb | 囲む |
survey | To ask people a question about a particular topic | verb | 調査する |
survival | act of continuing to exist when facing difficulty | n | 生き残り |
survive | to continue to live despite illness or trouble | verb | 耐える;生き残る |
suspect | To doubt or lack trust | verb | 疑う |
suspend | To stop something for a period of time; to interrupt | verb | 一時停止する;停職・停学にする |
sustain | To maintain, lengthen or continue to do something | verb | 持続する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
swear | To make a serious promise to do something | verb | 誓う |
sweep | To remove something from a surface with a brush | verb | 掃く |
sweet | tasting like sugar; containing sugar | adj | 甘い |
swim | to move through water by moving parts of the body | verb | 泳ぐ |
swing | outdoor seat that hangs by two ropes, often from a tree | n | ブランコ |
switch | thing you move to turn electrical items on or off | n | スイッチ |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
symbol | action, object that represents a particular idea or quality | n | 象徴;記号;シンボル |
symptom | sign in the body or mind that appears to suggest that one has an illness | n | 症状;兆候 |
system | set of organized, planned ideas that work together | n | 体系;システム |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
table | raised flat surface | n | テーブル |
tackle | attempt to force a person to the ground; often in sports such as RUGBY or American football | n | 取り組む |
tail | part of an animal's body that extends from it's back end | n | 尾 |
take | To pick up something and go away with it | verb | 持ち帰る |
tale | story about colorful and imaginary events | n | 物語 |
talent | natural ability of a person to do something well | n | 才能 |
talk | To say things or ideas to someone with words | verb | 話す |
tall | High in height | adj | 背の高い |
tank | container for holding liquid or gas | n | タンク |
tap | to hit something lightly | verb | 軽くたたく;コツコツと音を立てる |
tape | To stick things together using an adhesive strip | verb | テープで貼る |
target | a goal or amount you are trying to achieve | n | 目標 |
task | big or small piece of work someone has to do | n | 仕事;任務 |
taste | the flavor in your mouth from food or drink | n | 味 |
tax | Money taken by a government from its people | n | 税 |
taxi | car that transports people for money | n | タクシー |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
tea | drink made when you put dried leaves in hot water | n | お茶 |
teach | To help someone learn or do something | verb | 教える |
teacher | person who teaches others, especially in a school | n | 先生 |
team | group of people working on a task together | n | チーム |
tear | drop of salty water from the eye | n | 涙 |
technical | of practical use of machines or science in industry | adj | 技術的な;専門的な |
technique | way of doing by using special knowledge or skill | n | 技術 |
technology | use or knowledge of science in industry, engineering etc | n | 科学技術 |
teenager | person between the ages of 13 and 19 | n | ティーンエイジャー;10代の若者 |
telephone | machine used to talk to someone who is far away | n | 電話 |
television | device that broadcasts programs, movies or show | n | テレビ |
tell | To say or communicate information to someone | verb | 伝える; 話す |
temperature | how hot or cold something is, e.g. the weather | n | 温度 |
temporary | Continuing for a limited time, not permanent | adj | 一時的な |
ten | 10 | num | 10 |
tend | To regularly behave in a certain way | verb | ~する傾向がある |
tendency | likelihood to behave in a particular way | n | 傾向 |
tender | Offer; extend | adj | 柔らかい |
tennis | game played by hitting a ball over a net | n | テニス |
tension | feeling of anxiety and inability to relax | n | ピンと張ること;緊張 |
tent | portable cloth shelter used outdoors | n | テント |
term | fixed period of weeks for learning at school | n | 学期 |
terrible | Very bad; horrible | adj | ひどい;恐ろしい |
territory | area of land or ocean owned or controlled by a government or person | n | 領土 |
terrorist | radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities | n | テロリスト |
test | examination; questions to measure knowledge | n | 試験;テスト |
text | written part of a book or other work | n | 教科書 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
than | Used to compare two things that are not equal | conj | ~よりも |
thank | to tell someone you are grateful to them | verb | 感謝する |
that | used to show which person or thing we are talking about | adj | それ;あれ;そのようなこと,その;あの,それくらい |
theater | place where shows are performed on a stage | n | 劇場 |
their | Belonging to them | det | 彼らの;彼女らの;それらの |
them | Referring to specified other people | pron | 彼らを;彼女らを;それらを |
theme | main subject to discuss or describe | n | 主題;テーマ |
themselves | reflexive form of they | pron | 彼ら自身;彼女ら自身;それら自体 |
then | At that time not now | adv | あのとき;それから |
theoretical | Involved the uncertain or yet to be proved aspects of a certain subject | adj | 理論的な |
theory | idea that is explain facts or events academically | n | 理論 |
therapy | Treatment intended to help fix your problem or medical illness | n | 治療 |
there | In that place or position, at that location | adv | そこ;あそこ;そこで;そこに |
therefore | For that reason | adv | それゆえに |
these | People, things, or ideas near you | det | これら |
they | Used to refer to two or more people, animals, or things | pron | 彼ら;彼女ら;それら |
thick | Having a large distance between two surfaces | adj | ぶ厚い |
thin | not thick; not wide in size | adj | 薄い;細い |
thing | something you cannot remember the name of | n | あの物;あのこと |
think | To have an idea, opinion or belief about something | verb | 考える;思う |
thirst | need for something to drink | n | 渇き,喉が渇く |
thirteen | 13 | num | 13 |
thirty | number 30 | num | 30 |
this | person, thing, or idea near you | adj | この,これ,こんなに |
those | used to show which people or things we are talking about | det | あれら |
though | Although, despite the fact that | adv | ~だけれども |
thousand | number 1,000 | num | 1000 |
threat | Warning of probable trouble | n | 脅し |
threaten | To say you will harm or hurt someone | verb | 脅かす |
three | number 3 | num | 3 |
throat | inside of the neck that swallows | n | 喉 |
through | From one end or side of something to the other end or side | adj | 〜を通じて; 〜を通して;完全に |
throughout | Over or across an entire thing or place, or in every part of something | prep | 至る所に;~の間中ずっと |
throw | To use your arm to make a thing fly through the air | verb | 投げる |
thursday | fourth day of the week; the day after Wednesday | n | 木曜日 |
thus | therefore; so; as a result | adv | このように;したがって |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ticket | piece of paper that lets you enter or use something | n | 切符;チケット |
tie | To attach things (together) with a string or rope | verb | 結ぶ;縛る |
tight | (rope or tie) pulled strongly | adj | きつい;ピンと張った:詰まった;密接な;厳しい |
till | Until | conj | ~まで |
time | Something measured in minutes, hours, days, etc | n | 時間(という概念) |
tiny | very, very small | adj | とても小さい |
tip | hint or clue | n | 内密情報;ヒント,内報する;予想する |
tire | Lose energy and feel that you need to rest | n | 疲れさせる;飽きさせる |
tissue | piece of thin, soft paper that is used, in particular, for blowing and cleaning the nose | n | ティッシュ |
title | name given to something to identify or describe it | n | 称号 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
to | Move towards; in the direction of | adv | ~へ;~に;~まで;~に対して;~すること;~ために |
today | on this day; at the time that is happening now | adv | 今日 |
together | Near close in the same place not far in a family or group | adv | 一緒に;まとめて |
tomorrow | day after today | adv | 明日;未来 |
tone | sound of a voice that reveals emotion or meaning | n | 口調、調子 |
tongue | part of the body that tastes food; it is pink or red and is inside the mouth | n | 舌 |
tonight | night following this day | adv | 今夜 |
too | say that something is more than you want | adv | あまりに~すぎる |
tool | device used to make things, e.g. a hammer or driver | n | 道具 |
tooth | hard white things in the mouth, used to bite | n | 歯 |
top | highest or upper part or point of something | n | 最上部;最上位 |
topic | matter people talk or write about | n | 話題;トピック |
total | whole number or amount of something | n | 合計 |
totally | In a complete way; completely; absolutely | adv | 全く |
touch | to feel an object with your fingers, etc | verb | 触る;接する |
tough | Very difficult to do or deal with | adj | 丈夫な;骨の折れる |
tour | a journey to visit several places for pleasure | n | 旅行 |
tourism | traveling to new places, e.g. abroad, for vacations | n | 観光 |
tourist | Someone who travels to a place for pleasure | n | 観光客 |
toward | Facing or moving in the direction of something | adv | ~の方へ;~へ向いて;~に対して |
tower | tall, narrow building | n | 塔;タワー |
town | small city | n | 町 |
toy | things children play with, as dolls or small cars | n | おもちゃ |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
trace | To find, describe or discover by investigation | verb | 跡,跡を追う;探し出す |
track | To follow behind someone to see what they are doing | verb | 跡;道,追跡する |
trade | To buy, sell and exchange goods in business | verb | 取引する |
tradition | way of thinking, behaving that used for a long time | n | 伝統 |
traditional | Involved in a tradition | adj | 伝統的な |
traffic | amount of activity over a communication system | n | 交通 |
trail | path, usually through a field or a forest | n | 跡,引きずる;後を追う |
train | vehicle that carries people and runs on rails | n | 電車 |
transfer | To move something from one place to another | verb | 移動する;転送する |
transform | To change the shape completely in a good way | verb | 変換する |
transition | change from one state, movement, place, or subject to another | n | 遷移 |
translate | To change words from one language into another | verb | 翻訳する |
transport | To carry things from one place to another | verb | 輸送する,輸送 |
transportation | act, system, or business of moving people or goods from one place to another | n | 輸送;交通 |
trap | device used for catching animals | n | わな,わなで捕える |
travel | to go to a place that is far away | verb | 旅行する |
treat | To act in a certain way toward someone | verb | 扱う |
treatment | way someone acts toward another | n | 取り扱い |
tree | tall green plants in a forest | n | 木 |
trend | general direction of developing, proceeding | n | 傾向;流行 |
trial | Concerning or used in a TRIAL | n | 裁判;審理 |
trick | To make someone think something that is not true | verb | いたずら;ごまかし,だます |
trigger | lever on a gun that you pull to fire | n | 引き金;誘因,引き起こす |
trillion | 1,000,000,000,000 | num | 兆 |
trip | journey or visit to a place | n | 旅行 |
troop | group of soldiers, especially horse; an organized group | n | 軍隊 |
trouble | state of difficulty or stress | n | 悩み;困難;面倒;もめごと;病気;故障 |
truck | automotive vehicle suitable for hauling | n | トラック |
true | Agreeing with the facts; not false; real or actual | adv | 真実の; 本当の |
truly | In accordance with truth or fact or reality | adv | 本当に |
trust | To be confident that someone is honest and reliable | verb | 信頼する,信頼;委託 |
truth | real facts about something | n | 真理;真実 |
try | To make an effort, to attempt to do something | verb | 試す;やってみる |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
tube | long, hollow object | n | 管 |
tuesday | second day of the wee; the day after Monday | n | 火曜日 |
tune | group of musical notes that make a nice sound | n | 曲;音調 |
turn | To change the direction of something, e.g. a car | verb | 曲がる;向きを変える |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
twelve | 12 | num | 12 |
twenty | number 20 | num | 20 |
twice | Two times | adv | 2度;2倍 |
twin | Two children born from same mother at same time | n | 双子 |
twist | To turn something in opposite directions at the same time | verb | ねじる,ねじれ |
two | 2 | num | 2 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
type | group of things or people sharing common features | n | 型;種類;タイプ |
typical | normal; usual; expected | adj | 典型的な |
typically | in a normal or usual way | adv | 典型的に |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ugly | Unpleasant to look at; not attractive | adj | 醜い |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
ultimately | Done or considered as the final and most important | adv | 最終的に |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
unable | Not being able to do something | adj | 〜することができない |
uncertainty | The feeling that you don't really know what will happen | n | 不確実なこと |
unclear | Not easy to understand; not obvious | adj | はっきりしない; 不明確な |
under | In the same place as another thing, but lower | adj | 以下の |
undergo | To experience or endure something (bad) that happens to you | verb | 経験する;(治療などを)受ける |
underlie | To lie or exist beneath | verb | 根底にある |
understand | to know the meaning of language, what someone says | verb | 分かる;理解する |
undertake | To begin or attempt, commit oneself to and begin | verb | 引き受ける |
unemployment | state of being unemployed or not having a job | n | 失業 |
unfortunately | in a way that is to be regretted; unluckily | adv | 不運にも |
uniform | a set of clothes that show you are part of a group or school | n | 制服,統一の |
union | organization of workers to look after their needs | n | 結合;組合;連合 |
unique | unlike other things; being the only one like it | adj | 独特の |
unit | single thing or person; a part of something larger | n | 単位;部署 |
unite | To join or come together for the same goal | verb | 団結する;結合する |
universal | Done or experienced by everyone | adj | 全世界の;普遍的な |
universe | All of space and everything in it | n | 宇宙 |
university | high-level educational institution; college | n | 大学 |
unknown | Being unfamiliar or not known | n | 知られていない |
unless | negative of 'if' | conj | ~でない限り |
unlike | Appearing or being different | adj | 似ていない,〜と違って |
unlikely | Not being likely to happen or not likely to be the truth | adv | ~しそうにない |
until | Up to, to indicate a point in time when something happens | conj | ~まで |
unusual | Being rare or uncommon; not ordinary; strange | adj | 珍しい |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
up | Move higher; raise | adj | 上へ;立って;起こって |
update | To bring something up to date (usually by adding something) | verb | 更新,更新する |
upon | More formal term for on | prep | 〜の上に |
upper | Located above others of the same kind | adj | 上の |
upset | Troubled, worried, or angry | adj | 動揺した |
urban | Concerning a city; located in a city | adj | 都会の |
urge | To strongly persuade someone to do something | verb | 促す,衝動;本能 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
us | Belonging to the speaker and other people | pron | 私たちを |
use | to do something with, for a task or purpose | verb | 使う;利用する |
useful | that can help with a particular task | adj | 役に立つ |
user | person that uses a service or thing, e.g. a website | n | 使用者 |
usual | being the way things occur most of the time | adj | いつもの |
usually | Normally; regularly | adv | 普通は |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
valley | long, low area between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it | n | 谷 |
valuable | Being worth a lot of money | adj | 値段が高い |
value | To say how much money something is worth | verb | 値段をつける |
van | truck with an enclosed cargo space | n | 小型トラック |
variable | Having the ability to change or vary | adj | 変わりやすい |
variation | Something almost the same as another but different | n | 変化 |
variety | particular type of thing or person | n | 多様性;種類 |
various | several; consisting of different things or types | adj | 様々な |
vary | To be changeable, both up and down | verb | 変わる |
vast | Being very large in size or amount | adj | 広大な |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
vegetable | plant that is raised and eaten as food | n | 野菜 |
vehicle | machine (such as a car) that is used to carry things | n | 乗り物 |
venture | (business) activity that involves taking chances or risks | n | 危険を冒す;思い切って~する,危険;ベンチャー事業 |
verb | word that expresses an action or state | n | 動詞 |
version | particular form of something and other forms | n | 版;バージョン |
versus | Used to show that a thing or person is against another thing or person | prep | ~に対して |
very | lot; much | verb | とても,まさに |
vessel | Pot, container | n | 船舶;血管 |
veteran | Experienced through long service or practice | n | ベテラン |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
via | By going through, by way of | prep | ~を経由して;~によって |
vice | specific form of evildoing | n | 悪徳,副〜 |
victim | person who is tricked or made to suffer | n | 被害者;犠牲者 |
victory | Success in defeating an opponent | n | 勝利 |
video | recording capturing action with sound | n | 動画;ビデオ |
view | things you are able to see from a specific place | n | 見えるもの、視界 |
village | small town in the country | n | 村 |
violence | use of physical force to harm someone | n | 暴力 |
violent | done with force; likely to produce physical damage | adj | 暴力的な |
virtually | In an almost complete or entire manner | adv | 事実上 |
virus | very small living thing that causes disease or sickness and can be spread among people or animals | n pl. | ウイルス |
visible | Can see , easily seen or understood | adj | 目に見える |
vision | ability to see things with your eyes | n | 視覚;視力 |
visit | To go to a place for a time, usually for a reason | verb | 訪ねる,訪問する |
visitor | one who goes to a place to see it (or someone) | n | 訪問者 |
visual | Something to look at with the eyes | adj | 視覚の |
vital | Being of extreme importance for the success of something | adj | 極めて重要な |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
voice | sound made when you speak or sing | n | 声 |
volume | level of sound produced by an object, such as a radio or television | n | 量;容積;体積 |
voluntary | Done or given by their own will and not forced to do | adj | 自発的な;任意の;無償の |
volunteer | To work willingly without pay | verb | ボランティア |
vote | to make a choice for or against, as in an election | verb | 投票する |
voter | person who can vote in an election | n | 投票者 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
wage | money paid to a worker for the hours they worked | n | 賃金 |
wait | to spend time until an expected thing happens | verb | 待つ,待機する |
wake | To stop something or someone sleeping | verb | 目が覚める;目覚めさせる |
walk | to move with your legs at a slowish pace | verb | 歩く |
wall | high, flat side of a room or building | n | 壁 |
wander | To move around without purpose | verb | 歩き回る;さまよう |
want | To desire or wish for something; hope for a thing | verb | ~が欲しい;望んでいる;~したいと思う |
war | situation where armies fight each other | n | 戦争 |
warm | slightly hot; not very hot | adj | 少し熱い |
warn | To tell someone about possible danger | verb | 警告する |
wash | To clean someone or something with soap and water | verb | 洗う |
waste | To use valuable things ineffectively | verb | むだに使う;浪費する |
watch | to look at carefully to work out what is happening | verb | 観察する |
water | clear liquid that forms the seas, rivers and rain | n | 水 |
wave | to move your hand or arm to say hello or goodbye | verb | 手を振る |
way | how something is done | n | 方法;やり方 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
we | Used to refer to the speaker and other people together | pron | 私たち |
weak (power) | Having little power; not strong; easy to break | adj | 弱い |
weakness | state, condition of not being powerful or strong | n | 弱さ |
wealth | large amount of money and possessions | n | 富 |
wealthy | Having a great quantity of money or property | adj | 裕福な |
weapon | Something that is used for fighting | n | 武器 |
wear | To have clothes, glasses, shoes etc on your body | verb | 着る |
weather | whether it is raining, sunny, cold etc outside | n | 天気;天候 |
web | internet’s collection of interrelated information | n | インターネットのウェブ |
wed | formal to get married to | verb | 結婚する |
wednesday | third day of the week; the day after Tuesday | n | 水曜日 |
week | period of seven days, starts on Sunday and end on Saturday | n | 週;週間 |
weekend | Saturday and Sunday | n | 週末 |
weekly | Happening, published, or done once a week | adv | 毎週 |
weigh | to determine the weight of, using scales | verb | 重さを量る |
weight | How heavy something is | n | 重さ |
weird | Odd or unusual | adj | 変な |
welcome | friendly greeting to someone who has arrived | n | ようこそ,歓迎,歓迎する |
welfare | program for poor or unemployed people help living | n | 幸福;福祉 |
well | In a good way | adj | 健康な |
west | direction that the sun sets from north, 90 degrees to the left | n | 西 |
western | Coming from, found in, or facing towards the west | adj | 西の |
wet | Containing water or liquid; not dry | adj | 濡れている,濡らす |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
whatever | Anything or everything needed; no matter what | det | ~する事は何でも;何であれ;一体何が~ |
wheel | circular thing that rolls, used for moving things | n | 車輪 |
when | word you use to ask about the time or day | n | いつ |
whenever | At any or every time that | adv | ~するときはいつでも;いつであれ;一体いつ~ |
where | word you use to ask the location of something | n | どこ |
whereas | taking into consideration the fact that | conj | ~である一方で |
wherever | In any situation or at any time that | adv | どこへ~しても |
whether | if something will happen or not | conj | ~かどうか;~であろうとなかろうと |
which | question word to ask about a person’s choice | det | どちら |
while | During the time that; at the same time | conj | ~の間に |
whilst | During the time that; at the same time | conj | ~の間に |
whisper | To talk with breath but no voice | verb | ささやく |
white | lightest color; the color of fresh snow and milk | adj | 白 |
who | What or which person or people, to ask about, talking about | pron | 誰 |
whole | complete or full; all of | adj | 全部の |
whom | Used in formal writing or speech | pron | 誰を;誰に;~する人 |
whose | Who owns something | pron | 誰の |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
wide | Having a great distance from one side to the other | adj | 広い |
Widely | By or among a large number of people | adv | 全員に |
wife | married woman | n | 妻 |
wild | Living in nature; not tame | adj | 野生の |
will | used with verbs to express the future | aux | ~するつもりである;~でしょう;どうしても~するものだ;~しなさい;~することがある |
win | To succeed in a game or contest | verb | 勝つ |
wind | natural movement of outside air as part of the weather | n | 風 |
window | opening in a wall or door to let in light | n | 窓 |
wine | alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes | n | ワイン |
wing | part of an animal's body that is used for flying | n | 翼 |
winner | person or thing that wins a contest or race | n | 勝者;受賞者 |
winter | coldest season of the year | n | 冬 |
wipe | To clean or dry something with a cloth | verb | 拭く |
wire | thin, flexible thread of metal | n | 針金;ワイヤー |
wise | knowledgeable about life; having good judgment | adj | 賢い |
wish | To want something to happen or to become true | verb | 願う |
with | Used to express that people or things are together | prep | ~と一緒に; ~で;~の一員で;~に賛成して;~した状態で |
withdraw | Pull back; move away or backward from something | verb | 撤回する;引き出す |
within | Not beyond the limits of a particular space, time or range | adv | ~中に;~以内 |
without | Used to say you don't have something or it isn't in a place | prep | ~なしで |
witness | person who sees something happen | n | 目撃者,目撃する |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
woman | adult female human being | n | 女性 |
wonder | Surprise caused by experiencing something amazing | n | 驚き |
wonderful | producing feelings of enjoyment or delight | adj | 素晴らしい |
wood | Land covered with trees, smaller than a forest | n | 森林 |
wooden | made of wood | adj | 木でできた |
word | unit of language that has a meaning | n | 単語;言葉 |
work | activity you do in order to make money | n | 仕事 |
worker | person who works | n | 労働者 |
world | All the humans, events, activities on the earth | n | 世界 |
worry | To feel concerned or troubled about something | verb | 心配する |
worth | how much something is worth; the value of something | n | 価値 |
would | modal verb used to indicate possibility, request etc. | aux | ~だろう;~したい;よく~したものだった;~しようとしてきかない |
wound | physical injury especially that suffered in battle | n | 傷,負傷させる |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
wrap | To cover something by winding a piece of material around it | verb | 包む |
write | To compose letters and words on paper or a screen | verb | 書く |
writer | professional who writes books, articles etc | n | 作家;書き手 |
wrong | Not right, incorrect; not true; bad | adj | 間違った;間違って |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
yard | outdoor area or garden next to a house | n | 庭 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
year | unit of time equal to 12 months or 365 (or 366) days | n | 年 |
yellow | color of lemons or the sun | adj | 黄色 |
yes | way to say you agree or will do something | itj | はい |
yesterday | day before today | adv | 昨日 |
yet | until now; up to the present | adv | まだ |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
yield | To give way to someone or something else | verb | 折れる;降伏する;譲る |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
you | person someone is speaking or writing to | pron | あなた |
young | at an early stage of existence; not mature | adj | 若い |
your | belonging to you; belonging to the other person | det | あなたの |
yourself | reflexive form of 'you', used for an emphasis | pron | あなた自身 |
youth | When you are young ; a young person | n | 青年時代;若さ;若者 |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
zero | number 0 | num | ゼロ |
Meanings | English Definition | POS | J Translation |
zone | area of space used for a particular reason | n | 地帯 |